A Goodly Heritage

by Father Ted

O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride, and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to straying feet, but rugged and strong enough to turn back the tempter’s power. O God, make the door of this house the gateway to your eternal kingdom. You who have given us this heritage: grant us grace gratefully to receive it, wisely to use it, and faithfully to continue it to your glory and our salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

   -adapted from a prayer by Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells (1637-1711) 

For 52 years, our sanctuary on the top of the hill has stood for the ideals articulated in this prayer. It has been a safe haven and a loving home for thousands of people who crossed its threshold in search of a community of believers who would love them for who they are.

But for much of the rest of the year, we will worship in its shadow, rather than under its roof. In order to continue the heritage that we have been given, we must replace a few things which are approaching the end of their useful lives, including our pews and light fixtures. We also have a chance to outfit the south transept with a small altar and the chancel with a...

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In this E-news:

  • It's Time for Sacred Ground
  • Fellowship of the Fig Movie Night
  • The Move to Roper Begins
  • Green Thumbs Unite
  • Church Offices Closed Monday
  • Capital Campaign Update & Celebration
  • Spreading God's Love at Dallas Pride
  • Racial Justice June Meeting
  • Handling Emergency CPR/AED Training
  • Outreach Blood Drive
  • Solemn Evensong at St. Mark's
  • VBS Starts June 3
  • Supporting St. Hilda's

This Weekend

It's Time for Sacred Ground

There's still time to sign-up to be a part of two new Sacred Ground Circles: one starting this Saturday, May 25 and one June 1. Space is limited, so sign up today.

Sacred Ground is an 11 session film and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. In small groups you are invited to walk through chapters of America's history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family stories, economic class, political, and regional identity. Meetings are from 10:00am to 12:30pm every other Saturday in the Church Parlor.

Please note that circle size is limited to insure a focused experience for all participates; therefore, registration is required using the buttons below. For more information contact the Racial Justice Ministry.

Sign-up Here Today

Fellowship of the Fig Movie Night

Join the Fellowship of the Fig, Transfiguration's Young Adults Ministry, Saturday, May 25 at 6:30pm on the highway to the Danger Zone. For our movie night we'll watch "Top Gun" and have a hot dog bar. Please bring a side or dessert to share. We will be meeting in the Parlor.


Colleen Carson

The Move to Roper Begins

Our last service in the Nave will be the 11:15am Eucharist on Sunday. Following that service the move to Roper will begin. Next Sunday we will experience worship in a new and beautifully decorated worship space.

Liturgical MinistersWe invite all our dedicated volunteers to join us for rehearsals on Saturday, June 1, to familiarize themselves with the new worship space and prepare for their important roles. Your participation is crucial as we make these big moves together! The rehearsal schedule is:

  • 9:00am to 10:30am — Youth Acolytes and Youth Acolyte Wardens
  • 10:30am to 11:00am — Ministers of Ceremonies (MCs)
  • 11:00am to 11:30am — Adult Acolytes
  • 11:30am to Noon — Eucharistic Ministers
  • 12:30pm to 1:00pm — Ushers
  • 4:30pm to 5:00pm — All ministries serving at The Table

Lectors, Youth Lectors, Greeters, Sound Techs, Eucharistic Visitors will receive instructions separately.

Green Thumbs Unite

We are thrilled to share that the David Diggs Memorial Butterfly Garden is now underway, and we have ambitious plans to introduce more garden spaces across our campus to attract butterflies and other essential pollinators. If you are passionate about contributing to the allure of our campus, we invite you to attend an information session Sunday, May 26 at 10:15am in Roper Hall.

Church Offices Closed for Memorial Day

This coming Monday, May 27, the Church Offices will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. Offices will reopen on Tuesday.

If you have an urgent pastoral need, you can contact clergy two ways: Call 972-233-1898 and press option 9 or click here.

Coming Up

Capital Campaign

Update & Celebration

Quad C will provide a handout on the status of the capital campaign, including progress made in the 6th year campaign with an overview of current and planned projects. Join us Saturday, June 1 at The Table and both services on Sunday, June 2. There will be treats!

66 Remaining Chairs

28 Remaining Pews

5 Remaining Lights

Explore the Sixth Year Webpage

Spread God's Love at Dallas Pride

Transfiguration will be part of the Dallas Pride Festival on Saturday, June 1, and the Parade on Sunday, June 2. Open Door has reserved a booth in the festival building and a place in the parade. We need volunteers to represent the Fig in our booth at Fair Park on Saturday. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate the love and welcome we offer to all.

Additionally, we need folks to help spread God’s love in the parade on Sunday. Remember, participation in the parade requires that you are able to walk a one-mile parade route at Fair Park.

Be sure to purchase and pickup an official Transfiguration God Thinks You're Fabulous T-shirt in the Gathering Space this weekend.

For More Information Contact

Mark Ramsay

or visit


Saturday Booth Sign-up
Sunday Parade Sign-up

Racial Justice June Meeting

The Racial Justice Ministry will hold its June Meeting in-person, Monday June 3 at 6:30pm in the Parlor. Please join us to discuss on-going activities and planned activities for the future.

Handling Emergencies

There is still time and space for you to learn or refresh your CPR and AED skills on Saturday, June 8, from 10:00am to noon at church. Registration deadline is May 31 and the cost is $15/participant. Please note that no certification card is earned with this class eventhough the same material is taught. Space is limited so sign up now! For more information contact Alyson Thompson.

Register by May 31

Outreach Blood Drive

Help save a life by donating blood. Sunday, June 9, Carter BloodCare will be on-site at Transfiguration. Visit the website below to schedule an appointment to donate between 10:00am and 2:00pm.

Register Today

Solemn Evensong

at St. Mark's

Sunday, June 9 at 5:00pm in the chapel of St. Mark's School of Texas, Transfigured Nights closes out it 2023-2024 season with evensong commemorating St. Columba, the founding Abbot of the monastery of Iona.

Due to our nave renovations, this service is being held in the chapel of St. Mark's School of Texas located at 10600 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75230. The chapel is accessible from the Preston Road parking lot and is visible by its prominent bell tower.

VBS Starts Monday June 3

Camp Firelight is ready to convene! Everything starts June 3-7, 9:00am - Noon (with an optional afternoon session). For full details about VBS, Pick-up & Drop-off information, what to bring with you, and the Camp Song Playlist, check out the Camp Firelight web page.

The VBS Web Page

Youth Center Clean-up Day

All youth are invited to join us between 10:00am and 6:00pm Saturday, June 8, to help clean up our beloved Youth Center. All this is to prepare for the upcoming changes to our space. We will be spending the day going through each room (especially the closet) to clean and organize. You don't need to stay the full day. Join us when you can for as long as you can. Food will be provided!

For more information, contact

Delynda Moravec

Support St. Hilda's Guild

The members of St. Hilda's Guild faithfully serve the Fig by staffing the Kay Andrews Bookstore and Gift Shop and the Clothes Horse Resale Shop.

The Kay Andrews Bookstore

Our Bookstore and Gift Shop, located in the hallway near the Memorial Garden and the Children's wing are making adjustments to their hours of Operation. Until further notice the they will be open and ready greet you at the following times:

Thursdays: 10am - 2pm

Sundays: 9am - 1pm

The Clothes


The Clothes Horse is a resale shop providing the community with a place to donate gently worn clothing and offering budget-minded customers a source of reasonably-priced, good-quality apparel. 

Tuesday: 10am - 2pm

Thursday: 10am - 2pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Clothing donations are accepted at any time the shop is open.

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