CCI Reaches DOUBLE IT Goal!

Glory to God! We have reached our DOUBLE IT goal of 20,000 equipped leaders in half the time. In these past two and half years, God has gone ABOVE & BEYOND what we thought possible.

Since the DOUBLE IT goal was met, we are transitioning to the ABOVE & BEYOND campaign, which will help bring our national staff to the 2023 Global Conference to prepare for ministry expansion. The 2023 Global Conference will be held in Chiang Mail, Thailand from November 4-12. It will be a grand celebration and time of edification as we corporately praise and reflect on all God has done and prepare for what He has in store for CCI next.

We held our last Global Conference in 2019 at Camp Karis in Bohol, Philippines. Every 4-5 years, we have a Global Conference that brings together the top international staff from multiple countries for a week of prayer, training, fellowship, ministry expansion plans, and sharing stories of how God is working in the people's hearts impacted by this ministry.

Kittikun Meetang, the National Director of Thailand, said this about the last Global Conference held in 2019. "We were encouraged by the sermons from Dr. David and the sharing of the Word. We have made new friends with the same goals. We talked, prayed, and spent time together. We exchanged useful experiences for us to apply in our country."

The conference helps align us closer to the CCI mission God has called us to, as iron sharpens iron by sharing experiences and training. The reverberations of this conference are felt worldwide and for years to come as our national leaders use this knowledge to help further the gospel and His kingdom in their countries.
2019 Global Conference in Bohol
Vijay Kumar, the National Director of India, attended his first Global Conference in 2019 and remarked, "The conference has been a great blessing in my life. I was delighted to meet all the staff from different parts of the world. I was personally challenged by the mission and the tough situations and circumstances in which other countries are doing the ministry. I am encouraged to faithfully carry on the work, which the Lord has entrusted me in India."
The networking, sharing of stories, and relationships developed during the conference have become the catalyst for the expansion and growth of our ministry. We envision this conference becoming the catalyst for future growth and alignment in all our fields.
We are thrilled to have our leadership staff from multiple nations attending the conference. CCI staff will travel from Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uganda, Guatemala, Haiti, and more!
We anticipate approximately 200 staff members to attend. For these staff members to participate, additional funding is required for travel from their countries to and from Thailand, lodging, food, and local travel. The overall cost of the conference is about $75,000 to cover all these expenses.
Would you pray about partnering with us in making this catalytic conference a success? Click HERE to give online.
2019 Global Conference in Bohol
We also want to encourage YOU—our ministry partner—to participate in this transformative event. You are invited to see firsthand the many blessings the Lord has bestowed on CCI that are ABOVE & BEYOND our expectations. The conference offers an up-close look at the CCI ministry as you connect with the national CCI staff from around the world. You are invited to participate in our daily worship and attend our training sessions as we discuss discipleship, ministry expansion, and future endeavors.
Bud Ciotti, a CCI Board Member, shared:
“In 2017, I was getting ready to retire and committed myself to become more involved in kingdom work. I’ve always been burdened for ‘getting the gospel to where it ain’t.’ I had been introduced to CCI, LOVED the model, and began supporting it with modest donations. The opportunity arose to follow David Nelson to Southeast Asia for 12 days. Being the cheapest man on the planet, the objection I wrestled with was, ‘is it worth spending all that money when I could just send it over there?’ But I bought the ticket and went. I met the men and women who were engaged in getting the gospel to where it ain’t.

I participated in two workshops and toured Thailand and Vietnam. I saw what a massive society with no access to God’s Word looks like. I ate with men and women who risk their own safety daily for the gospel. Nothing, but nothing, can replace the experience of seeing the places and meeting the people. The contagious enthusiasm I came home with has repaid the cost of going there countless times over as I share the experience with believers from many churches in my area. GO!"
Brad Diehl, a CCI Board Member, attended two Global Conferences and said:
“I have had the opportunity to participate in CCI’s global conference twice now. The 2014 Global conference in Cambodia was one of the most significant experiences in my life and ministry. When men and women from around the world gather to celebrate and worship the Lord and all He is doing, it is inevitable that God will use it. The world seemed so big to me then, but afterward, I realized that even a small church could have a global gospel impact. Then in 2019, I benefited greatly from the camaraderie of all the men and women united together for the mission.”

Your knowledge of God’s world will be changed as you listen to stories of lives being changed. At the end of the conference, you will fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok to experience the floating market, visit beautiful temples, and see other unique sights. The cost is $2,895 per person and will cover your flights, lodging and meals, local travel, and travel insurance.

To learn more or reserve your spot, please click here and reserve your spot before August 4.
Please consider sponsoring our staff members so they can take advantage of this vital training opportunity. Thank you for the essential role you play in the ministry.
Grace and Peace,
David Nelson
President & Founder
Crossing Cultures International
For more information, contact Amanda Boston at aboston@cciequip.org.
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