A Gentle Awakening
Welcome to Spring!

We are mid-season per the calendar's timeline, but it may feel like it's just the beginning of these days OR that they have already been here forever.

An invitation to check in ~ What is your experience so far, and are you accepting or resisting your own natural pace?

It is easy to want to rush into the fully bloomed phase of whatever is next for us, but the reality is that even that place is temporary in its existence. This is all the more reason to witness and celebrate the full process of life's unfurlings.
This is a time to germinate "to begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy" (Oxford Languages). To allow what's been discovered, nourished and incubating in our hearts over these last few months to come forth into existence.
Each unfurling is on its own timeline, and in the same way that each seed requires its own ratio of ingredients to grow and to expand, so do we.

Sky Pond encourages us to connect with our individual Nature that we may then align ourselves to receive what we need to grow and expand.

Your Spring growth is not your neighbor's Spring growth, from the garden in the yard, to the garden within.

This season's hosts have covered the full spectrum of offerings...from rest through gentle awakenings, through action and active full days.
Take note of what YOU need to support your pace and join us to
nourish your Nature, in Nature, at Sky Pond this Spring!
Mid Spring Offerings
Short & Sweet
Little steps add up to bigger strides. These events are 1.5 - 2.5 hours in duration but offer effects that last!

Sacred Women's Moon Circle - Next cycle Jun 6th & Jun 21st

Octave Sound Immersion A unique sound configuration each month - Jun 9th

Sound Bath and Inner Journey - A unique sound configuration each month - May 19th**, Jun 23rd
Half Day Retreats
Ever get stuck at the "all or nothing" endpoints of the spectrum? Let's meet half-way...these events are 4-6 hours in duration.

Stay For The Day
Work, rest, and play...7-11 hours in duration.
**Sold Out
Stay tuned! Many hosts have taken action on their desire to support you throughout the year and have already reserved their dates for the Fall.
Meanwhile we encourage you:
  • Sign up for a waitlist (when available)
  • Contact hosts to let them know what you Love and want to see more of
  • Link to a host's newsletter for info on their future offerings here or elsewhere (and on-line when available)

YOU are part of what is yet to come!
The Days Between

Ever wonder why Sky Pond's reservation calendar has limited availability but not all of the dates correlate with upcoming events?

That's because ~32% of the bookings (this year so far) are for private events, time for just you and yours. This landscape is available to be your productive workspace, your quiet solace, your home away from home.

Take time for yourSelf; or surprise a small group of family or friends with a gathering in the pines, a teambuilding, or a private mini-retreat.
We're here to help! Recommendations are available for other movement and energy practitioners (Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Reiki, Massage, Thai Yoga, and a broad range of Yoga Teachers) as well as therapists and specialists in Soul Collage®.
A shout-out to the Cicada's for amplifying this year's Spring! It's good to be reminded that personal change can be on-going for years before we are ready to emerge. May we Love ourselves more as we move along our own natural and individual timelines.

Until next time, our gratitude, Love, and support to each of you in this season of growth. You make it a beautiful season among seasons, and we thank you for helping us to grow in so many ways. Thank you for taking such thoughtful care of this property and of one another, it is an honor to be in partnership with you for the continued nourishment of Sky Pond's land and community.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
In Love & Light, Sean & Miriam Anderson
Step Outside To Go Within @skypondnc