September 2016  
Moving Into New Church Facility

There are certain milestones in the life of every person, family, organization or church. Those special moments that forever change their history, whether for good or for bad. Some of these are happy, some are sad, some are scary and some exciting. As we slowly say goodbye to summer and approach a new school season, we are also approaching one of these milestones in our church history - moving into a new church facility that is completely our own and will not have to be shared with another church or organization.
For the past 25 years we have rented facilities from other churches - at first from the Old Catholic Church - an old stone structure that froze us in the winter and baked us in the summer. Moving from there seemed like a dream come true, but sharing a meeting place with two other church families can be exhausting when it comes to using the facilities and making a weekly schedule. So, finding a new place of meeting that we can use any time of the week for any purpose needed is a huge milestone in our history. It also opens up many opportunities for our church and ministry.
Construction Work
As we are faced with new challenges, we are excited about all the new things God has in store for our future.  September marks the beginning of the construction work and in just a couple of weeks we will be moving our equipment and furniture
into the new facility which is located on the west side of the city. God has been good to us and opened the hearts of people, both in our church and in our friends abroad to donate for this great need. We want to thank each one of you that has given. We are so grateful for your gifts and pray that God truly blessed you for your generosity. We have collected about a third of what was needed. We still need about $15,000 to fully complete the renovations. We still have a ways to go, but we feel optimistic and have faith that as God has provided until now, He will continue to provide for every need as we go along. It is our plan to move in after the first phase of construction work is done and continue to work little by little until the place entirely finished.
Since the new meeting place is located in a heavily populated part of the city, the move offers us new opportunities for reaching people with Gospel. We plan to reach out to the neighborhood with Gospel tracts and street evangelism on the streets and in the parks, inviting them to our family services, concerts, movie nights and other evangelistic outreaches. We pray that our church will be a light in this part of town and bring the Good News to people living in that area.
Huge Step For Homeschooling
We've made another huge step forward in the political arena. It looks like the Ministry of Education will be finally legalizing homeschooling. They are not yet ready to give parents complete control so they are looking into following the Slovenian model of homeschooling which means that parents must use the program used by the public schools and complete all exams in the school. If the child does not pass his exams, he returns to school. Many parents are not happy with this model, however, we see it as a stepping stone in the right direction.
New School Year

Bonnie and the children started school this week. We had a few challenges getting started but they've done very well this week and are enjoying the new school year so far.  Mario has finally adjusted back to Croatian time and is back in the full swing of things. We would like to thank each one of you who hosted and entertained him while he was in the US. We are very grateful for your hospitality and kindness!
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. May God richly bless each one of you.
Mario and Bonnie Ducic
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach | P+385 1 6443 330 | F+385 1 6443 331 |Kneza Branimira 29 - Zagreb - 10 000 - Croatia |  Email | Website
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