A message from our Executive Director
As the fall season comes to a close and the brisk chill sets in for the winter, may we all delight in simply being grateful for the warmth of life's fondest memories of good times, good fun with family and friends, and our good health being our greatest wealth! Blessings abound at Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy during this season of Thanksgiving!

This has been an exciting and fruitful Fall season! We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with our friends at Prodisee Pantry of Baldwin County to increase our visibility among potential patients across the Bay. Likewise, our new Washington County location is gaining momentum too. Ozanam is also thankful for our host of cheerful, dedicated volunteers and supporters who help keep our operations seamless and efficient throughout the year! I also want to express our sincere appreciation to all of our board members, financial health donors and community partners, who consistently go above and beyond to help make our programs and activities successful. We encourage you share your blessings of support this season, which will enable us to continue to expand our services to patients in need of prescription medications, and to celebrate all of those whom you are grateful for, who bring light and love to your life. Have a healthy, safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm regards,
Shearie Archer
 Executive Director
Great volunteers keep our operations healthy & strong!
Interested in volunteering at Ozanam?  
The 2019 Wild Wild West Fundraiser was a real HOOT!!
The "Wild Wild West Fundraiser" was a great success with 200 enthusiastic supporters, along with family and friends, all decked out in their "Wild West Best!" Their purpose was to mossy on by the Ezell House to dance, eat, drink, and be merry, all while supporting a great cause, which proved to be a "Win-Win" situation! From the crowd-pleasing sounds of the amazing RuffWater Band, the whimsy of the decorations and the photo booth, to the tasty vittles at the taco/chili bar prepared by Namans Catering, and the Best Dressed contest...the event truly was a real HOOT! Furthermore, a host of great raffle prizes that included fabulous gift baskets, overnight "stay-cations" at two of the best local hotels, and an Apple iWatch, added to the excitement! The event was a real hoot! The success of this annual fundraiser benefited Ozanam's mission to continue providing life-saving prescription medications to clients throughout Mobile, Baldwin, Escambia, and Washington Counties in Alabama! We look forward to bringing the Wild Wild West Fundraiser back next year, but with a few exciting new twists...so stay tuned!
Photos Courtesy of Yvette Chestang
We're Proud to Partner with Prodisee Pantry!
In an effort to increase our visibility in our neighboring Baldwin County, and increase our service to its residents, Ozanam's staff and volunteers have begun traveling a bit this month to reach out to our neighbors across the Bay. New Development Coordinator, Yvette Chestang, visited Prodisee Pantry on November 12th, along with volunteer, Mrs. Shirley Eiland, during which they teamed-up to mingle with hundreds of clients to inform them about Ozanam's services, and provide information on how they may quality. Much gratitude is due to the staff, many volunteers, and community partners who were on hand to serve more than 500 residents with information, encouragement, food and sundries...all with compassion and dignity. It was indeed a Herculean effort for which Ozanam will continue to participate in the months ahead!
Ozanam's Active in
Washington County!

Pharmacy technician, Ms. Viletta Beck, serves as outreach coordinator for Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy's newest location in Washington County. Pictured at left, alongside Alabama Secretary of Labor, Mr. Fitzgerald Washington, Ms. Beck's efforts have been instrumental in expanding Ozanam's visibility in that area , as well as our ability to ultimately serve 13 new clients thus far...and we're growing rapidly. For more information about our services in the Washington County area, please visit our website at ozanampharmacy.org or call (251) 432-4111.
Volunteer Spotlight
Mr. Quoc Pham
Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy's PharmD. candidate, Mr. Quoc Pham, has been a volunteer with Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy since 2016, when he first began his Pharmacy studies. Quoc (pronounced, "Wook") has participated in several of Ozanam's outreach programs and fundraisers through the years. Here are a few interesting facts about this dynamic student volunteer...

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the land of ten thousand lakes. A suburban town called Bloomington, outside of Minneapolis.

I have three younger siblings, two brothers, and a sister.
What do you like most about Ozanam Pharmacy?
I like the unity here at Ozanam. Everyone is working towards a common goal and that is to serve the under served. I love Ozanam for what it stands for and what it contributes to the community. I wish that there would be more stand-alone charitable pharmacies like Ozanam.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love to travel. When I’m not in school you can expect me to be in another country. Traveling makes me humble and it relaxes my mind. You don’t realize how small of a space you occupy in this world until you travel.

What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Passing out free food samples at grocery stores. I was uncomfortable most of the time as I was surrounded by flocks of people. 

What is your favorite movie or book?
I like all romantic comedies because I am a hopeful romantic. I believe that love is just around the corner, therefore you should never take anything/anyone for granted.

What is your favorite meal?
A hearty bowl of Pho!

What is your personal philosophy?
Life is short, make every moment worth it. 
Share Good Tidings of Comfort & Joy
This Holiday Season
  We often hear the phrase "Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy" during the holiday season. One way to find comfort is to give of yourself to someone in need. The joy comes from knowing you have helped someone realize that he or she is loved and valued. Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy offers the opportunity to give Comfort and Joy to someone in need this holiday by providing life-sustaining medication right here in our community.   
  For many of our neighbors in Mobile, Baldwin, Washington and Escambia Counties, there is not much comfort or joy in their lives this time of year. They struggle with unpaid bills, working 2 or 3 jobs to put food on the table for their families and often have to choose between getting a prescription filled with managing their health issues and meeting the needs of their families. Holiday celebrations may not even be possible for them. This holiday season, please help Ozanam to provide a little warmth and light with your donation.
Office: 251.432.4111
Fax: 251.445.0981

Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.