Memorial Day is a Grateful Day

Memorial Day is more than backyard barbecues, fire works, beach parties and holiday festivities. Yes, it goes far beyond a day off work that leads to a three-day weekend or better yet a day that kicks off summer, It’s a day of gratitude.

For me and many others, it has a personal significance and meaning. It’s a day to remember & thank God for men & women who have sacrificed their families, fought & even died for their country. Today I not only tip my hat and raise my glass. I pause for a moment of silence with a bowed down head & grateful heart for my amazing courageous grand father; General Ezra Dugan who served in the United States Army based
in Ft. Worth Georgia for over 30 years.

Let’s us pause in our day to say a special prayer for people like my Grand dad and the many thousands of others who have and are currently serving our country. Regardless of their rank or status quo, past or present; each one has a journey in time; each is a narrative; each is a story of selfless love and sacrifice. Everyone is unique but they have so much in common of their sacrificing
love and dedication to their country.

Truly it was their brave hearts, courageous, willing spirit and self-less actions that we so freely enjoy and live in this great country. They are true warriors, they are the ones we celebrate and
we are forever grateful for them and their families. 

I Pray  
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace..”’
Numbers 6:24-26

Thank you
You are the real Heroes!