The India Group



Dear Friends of TIG,

In this holiday season, we have a special reason to be jubilant this year.

We are pleased to report that the surgery to repair Annu's severe facial burns took place on Monday, December 19. She is recuperating at the hospital in Delhi. After a lifetime of living with a disfiguring childhood scar, Annu waited for over a year for this procedure (through the wonderful Children's Burn Foundation), and there were many delays. She was slated for surgery in November when she was diagnosed with a serious pulmonary infection, so the operation could not proceed until that was cured.  We felt lucky the infection was caught before it got worse.

Now we await word on what further surgeries are necessary, but at least the long-awaited process has begun. A true Christmas miracle!

We have served the families through your generous donations in myriad ways, such as dental care, kidney stone operations and pre-and post-natal care. Needy children are being educated at good schools to offer them better opportunities in life.

We could not do this work without you, our donors. Thank you for your help. 

Please keep TIG's continued success in your prayers. 

Meantime, our best wishes to you and yours for a happy holiday and peaceful 2017.

The India Group
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