2018 has challenged the vulnerable around the world

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your support in enabling the Global Fund for Forgotten People to give to over 320 projects of the Order in 23 countries.

The generosity of our supporters means that children like Benjamin*, from a deprived area of Buenos Aires in Argentina, will now be able to receive an education at the area's only secondary school, run by the Argentinian Association of the Order.
We will soon announce our Christmas grants, however one project has touched our hearts this Christmas , which we would like to ask you to support.

With your help, more children like Alijah*, a refugee who fled from Pakistan to Thailand with his family, will get the aid that they so desperately need.  
Bangkok is home to a desperate population of Christian refugees. Escaping religious persecution in Pakistan and trapped in Thailand, where they are unable to work, or access basic services. They are marginalised and truly forgotten.

The Order of Malta is working with 180 families in Thailand, providing financial aid, assistance with health care, education for approximately 90 school-age children, and asylum applications to secure their futures.
The Fund had hoped to support this project with $20,000 which would provide half its running costs, but our resources can only commit $10,000. Please consider giving these families that have fled persecution, leaving everything behind, a glimmer of hope this Christmas, where:

  • Just $25 would provide teaching equipment for one child for a whole school year
  • $100 would provide tuition fees for a child for the school year
  • Just $20 represents a day’s salary for a teacher
Please contact team@forgottenpeople.org if you would like to support another of the wonderful projects of the Order, such as Albanian Relief Service, which provides after-school teaching and support for 30 children from disadvantaged backgrounds, not only improving their education but also providing the childcare that allows family members to work. 

  • $11 would provide one of the children with a hot meal each school day for a month
  • $50 would pay for a nurse to provide medical advice and education for a month
  • $100 would fund the support of a social worker at the school for a month
Thank you again for your generous support which helps make these, and many other projects, possible. 

We wish you a very happy and holy Christmas!

The Global Fund for Forgotten People team

*real names have not been used throughout
+44 (0) 1844 318 708
30 Upper High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3EZ

The Global Fund for Forgotten People is a registered charity in England and Wales (1148427) with 501(c)(3) status in the US

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