Photo by James Gassel
March 1, 2023

It’s been strange watching the effects of climate change slowly creep into the facets of the natural world around me. Warmer days that seem to melt your skin, wilder storms that cover Mount Tamalpais in snow for the first time in years, raging wildfires that burn the homes of animals and people—all becoming more intense and more prevalent in our lifetimes. It’s daunting to think of how much more we’ll see the world change in another 20, 40, and then 60 years.

And yet, I find solace in the work of conservationists and communities—working together to change policy, prepare for future scenarios, and protect species and habitats in the present moment. At our own park, conservationists and science communicators work year-round to not only preserve the integrity of this landscape for current and future generations, but also to share these stories with you.
The Importance of Science Communication
Recently I had the privilege of supervising Claire Baker, our 2022 Science Communication Intern. Claire worked to understand and communicate how climate change is impacting the species and habitats of Point Reyes. In doing so, she uncovered heartwarming stories (elephant seals' journey to new beaches), tales of resilience (coho salmon's struggle for survival), and narratives of habitat loss (the narrowing beaches for snowy plovers). Click on the images below to read these well-researched articles.
Communicating these stories not only sparks hope, but can also spark action. Whether you’re attending a volunteer day, calling your local representative, or donating to support conservation in the park, your actions add to our collective fight against climate change.

Of course, PRNSA and the NPS are not the only organizations working to protect all that this park has to offer. Below you’ll find upcoming events from some of our closest partners and friends in the local conservation community — Point Blue Conservation Science, Audubon Canyon Ranch, and TOGETHER Bay Area.

Thank you for taking on this conservation challenge together!
All the best,
Zoe Duerksen-Salm
Communications & Grants Manager
Bay Area Urban Species Search
March 17 - March 31 | Urban Areas in the Bay Area
TOGETHER Bay Area and the California Academy of Sciences are joining forces to bring urban biodiversity data into the Conservation Lands Network––and we need your help!

From March 17–31, look for and document these 24 species throughout the places in the greater Bay Area where people live and work: cities, towns, suburbs, neighborhoods, backyards, schoolyards! Learn more here.
Spring Arrivals & Activities Livestream
Wednesday, March 8 | Facebook Live | 9:30am - 10:00am
Our partners at Point Blue Conservation Science are hosting a Facebook Live event to showcase science in action and wild birds up close! Tune in to hear from their Palomarin Field Station Biologists who will focus on early spring, which includes noting spring migrants and the start of the nesting season. There will also be time allocated for audience questions. Learn more and RSVP here.
Bolinas Lagoon & Duxbury Reef Walk
Saturday, March 11 | Audubon Canyon Ranch | 10:00am - 11:30am
Join Audubon Canyon Ranch and the College of Marin for a presentation and discussion on the current and future science and state of Bolinas Lagoon, Duxbury Reef, and the College of Marin's Bolinas Field Station. The presentation will be followed with a field trip will be led by Gwen Heistand (Resident Biologist and Preserve Manager) and Joe Mueller (Biology Professor). Learn more and RSVP here.
Field Institute Classes & Events
Early 2023 is full of classes and events at the Seashore! Look below for a sneak peek at the first events of the year, and visit our website for the full class list!
Sun, March. 5, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Children are naturally fascinated by birds. Learn to foster their excitement with games and skills for enjoying birds together everywhere!

Sat, Apr. 1, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Learn settings and compositional elements to capture the magic and excitement of your travel adventures with your iPhone camera!

Sun, Apr. 9, 10:30am - 1:30pm

Youth attendees will take the lead during this family-friendly forest bathing experience intended to foster connection to the natural world.

We partner with the National Park Service to create opportunities for all people to experience, enhance, and preserve Point Reyes National Seashore for present and future generations.
Point Reyes National Seashore | (415) 663-1200 x 310