Chamber Updates October 5, 2020
Community Members-
For those that attended the Hometown Hero MASKerade, I don’t have to provide a great deal of detail about the wonderful food trucks, delicious deserts from Freddy’s and Cakes by Reva or the phenomenal weather we had last Thursday, do I? Never before do I recall getting feedback that there was TOO MUCH food at an event, but that came from several people. This was thanks to all of the sponsors that allowed us to have four food trucks that evening. A huge thank you to Jennifer Caunin for chairing the committee that made it all happen, Drew Hester and Willow Event Center for hosting the event and to Debi Cobb for dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s necessary to pull off a fall gathering that was memorable for all in attendance. THANK YOU!
For those that did not attend the event but were able to follow along through our Facebook LIVE video or through the pictures/posts about the event, I can only say that the recognition of our Police/Fire/EMS leadership along with that of two Colerain WWII war veterans could not have been more well received. We were able to lift up and say thank you for a job well done, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic period…again thanks to ALL of our first responders that serve our community on a daily basis! The banner listing our various event sponsors is also included below. If you would like to check out the pictures.
Zig Ziglar said long ago, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” It is one of my favorite sayings, and my hope is that in the first 8 months since accepting the position as your chamber of commerce president that you’ve come to see (as I have felt) a community that cares. As business leaders, we have a chance to show that care each and every day as we conduct business across Cincinnati and in some cases across the nation or the world. How we show compassion for our employees, how we treat our customers and vendors, and just as importantly, the values that we represent as leaders can and often do make a difference in the success of our businesses.
I was able to tour two of our manufacturing plants (both just east of Colerain Ave.) and learn about their rich histories in the community. I was able to see the pride that they take in producing a quality product with their skilled labor force that they employee from our community. My amazement is easily justified having toured hundreds of manufacturing facilities in my business career and understanding what a “clean shop floor” actually means from a quality perspective, not to mention the pride that it shows in the way they conduct business. Thank you goes out to Porter Precision Products and Cincinnati Mine Machinery for allowing me into their business for an hour and learning about two treasured businesses we have in our community. You should be proud of what you have achieved and I for one am excited to find ways we can continue to build on the relationship in our community.
Community Give Back Day is just around the corner (Saturday, October 10) and it is an opportunity to care about your community by potentially putting aside college football or the baseball playoffs for just a few short hours. If you haven’t done so, I would encourage you to sign up and join me to rake leaves for an elderly person, help with a small home construction project for someone who would not otherwise be able to have it done and potentially give back to a veteran or family that is struggling right now. We have a chance to give back from our abundance of both time and treasure. Please make a difference!
All the best!

Dave Moravec
President & CEO
Colerain Chamber of Commerce
513.923.5036 Office
309.838.1947 Cell

Thank you again to our Hometown Hero Sponsors!
Welcome New Members
Please welcome our new members in September!   
Chamber Programming
Upcoming Chamber of Commerce Events
  • Tuesday, October 13 – Women’s Networking Luncheon – Noon at Lake Nina Restaurant with guest speaker Kathryn Woliung, Team Leader at the US Postal Inspection Service. Visit the following link: REGISTRATION & INFORMATION
  • Wednesday, October 14 – Sales Summit (ZOOM Conference) – 9 – 10 am
  • Thursday, October 15 – Third Thursday Networking – B&B Riverboats – 5 pm – 7:30 pm in conjunction with the Fairfield, African American and Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. 3460 Oakmeadow Lane, Cincinnati 45239. For more information and to register (Colerain Chamber and a guest are free. Members of the Fairfield, African-American and Hispanic chamber members are free, however additional guests will have a $10.00 charge at the door.) CLICK HERE
  • Wednesday, October 21 Board of Directors Meeting - 7 am via ZOOM
Email and we’ll find a speaker & get it added.
Our chamber golf league at Pebble Creek Golf Club concluded for the season, this past Wednesday. We had 22 different people play this year, which is incredible during our inaugural season, especially with the COVID-19 challenges we’ve all experienced! I’m happy to report that we had no reported cases among those that played and I attribute that to the mask wearing in the clubhouse, social distancing on the course itself and the fact that we have continued to be cautious about our interactions with one another during league play. We knew that this would be a foundational year, and I can’t thank Pebble Creek enough for their hospitality and generosity to our league. We will begin planning for next year’s league over the winter, but if you would like to get on the list for next year, please reach out to Dave Moravec via phone or email anytime.
Community Updates
Colerain Township has continued to reach out looking for feedback on its strategic plan. For more information be sure to visit Imagine Colerain
The Colerain Chamber also generated 33 responses to its recent survey of members. We appreciate the candid feedback and hope that you will all participate as we initiate additional surveys going forward. Some brief comments and statistics from the survey.

Quality of Communication in the last 6 months
  • 28 - Good or Excellent (85%)
  • 5 - Fair or Poor (15%)

Quantity of Communication in the last 6 months
  • 25 - Good or Excellent (86%)
  • 4 - Fair or Poor (14%)

Additional Comments about Communication
  • 12 positive responses (48%)
  • 12 neutral comments (48%)
  • 1 negative comment. (4%)
Face to Face Meeting Feedback
  • Positive – 11 (50%)
  • Neutral – 4 (18%)
  • Negative – 7 (32%)

(President’s note: These responses likely mirror the rest of the country during this divisive time. I have certainly been open to criticism by those who don't want to have face-to-face meetings or feel it is irresponsible to do so. I've tried to balance the feelings that I've heard from the members (in conversations), other Chamber leaders that I interact with and take into account the safety information available. Having five outdoor networking events this summer/fall have been well received (in general); however, I will be respectful as we make decisions with the weather turning cold late this fall. The women's luncheon (10-20) is meeting outdoors, the sales summit (15-20) is meeting via ZOOM as is our board of directors and I will continue to be open to communication in this area.)
Membership Value
  • 20% - still challenged in finding value
  • 40% see the value
  • 40% recognize that they need to get more involved to see the value.
(President’s note: We should ALL be trying to help our own organizations and other members find value in the way that they see best for their organization.)
Ancillary Benefits (Insurance, Worker’s Comp, etc.)
  • 19 - Not using ancillary benefits
  •  5 - Using at least one ancillary benefit

Colerain Give Back Day is just around the corner and the organizers are looking for as many as 350 volunteers across the community. This event is a large one-day affair that brings volunteers together from our community (schools, businesses, faith-based organizations, and local government) to help our older adult population with minor home repairs and yard clean up. This year the event is being on Saturday, October 10. Please register yourself, a friend or a group; if you don’t have a group you will be assigned to one for that day.
Emerging Leaders: Young Professional Group
The Emerging Leaders of Colerain continue to gain momentum. They were able to raise $560 at the recent Hometown Hero event,,k thanks to an in-kind donation from the winner of the drawing, Rob Hoffman. Thanks so much Rob for your generosity in helping get this group off the ground. The 21-40 demographic across the area is coming together through leaders Jim Diebold, Adam Gabbard and others who have shown interest in getting together socially and professionally. The group has created their own Facebook page and will have a landing page on the Colerain Chamber website shortly.
For more information about how to get involved, please visit their EMERGING LEADERS FACEBOOK PAGE or you can reach out to Adam at or Jim at You can also contact Dave Moravec at or call 513-923-5036.
“Emerging Leaders of Colerain fosters the young entrepreneurial spirit by offering opportunities for networking, mentorship, education, and leadership development. We strive to challenge each other with our diverse perspectives while working together to bring growth to the surrounding Colerain business community.”
Marketing Opportunities
We continue to highlight our members and continue to partner with our local school district, the township and the state. We will continue to post between 30-40 times per month on Facebook, and we would like to help promote your business! If you have information to share – please send it our way. Make sure you LIKE and FOLLOW us for the latest news.
We have continued to receive polo shirts (size XL) with your logo that promotes your business when President Dave Moravec is out in the community. If this is of interest, please provide Dave with one of your shirts.

Would you like to promote your business in one of the following two ways?
  • Promotional items for membership bags - Your logo'd item can be placed in a membership bag along with other chamber members "trinkets". There is no cost to do this, simply provide the Chamber with 25-50-100 items and we'll include them with other chamber member items. Coordinate with Dave or Debi.
  • Gift cards or services certificates - If your business would like to provide the Chamber with $10-$25-$50 gift cards or a gift certificate for product/services to be used as give-aways at various events (like the upcoming networking events or Hometown Heroes).
As always, we want to promote your business in any way that we can. If you have news that’s worthy of sharing, please send it along for us to post on Facebook or in our newsletter.
Local Resources
For more information you can also reach out to:
Joy M. Pierson - Community Development Administrator
Hamilton County Planning + Development Department
138 E. Court Street, Room 1002 - Cincinnati, OH 45202
513-946-8234 office
COVID-19 Updates
As of September 30, 2020, there have been 144,265 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio which is up from 112,489 last month at this time. There have also been 4,480 confirmed deaths in Ohio which is also up from 3,791 just one month later. A total of 15,413 people have been hospitalized. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting
Video of Governor DeWine’s updates, including versions with foreign language translation, can be viewed on the Ohio Channel's YouTube page
For more information on Ohio's response to COVID-19, visit or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.
Resources for dealing with the mental health issues around COVID-19 can be found here: Coping With COVID-19 Anxiety
AG Yost's Robocall Enforcement Unit
An anti-robocall initiative launched six months ago by Attorney General Dave Yost has empowered Ohioans to report 27,931 illegal robocalls in an effort to help the Attorney General fight back against the growing nuisance. In turn, the Robocall Enforcement Unit has analyzed and shared the incoming data to try to put a stop to these illegal calls and texts, including filing a lawsuit to stop this behavior in June. Learn more.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
President Level Sustaining Sponsor
Rumpke Waste & Recycling

Team Level Sustaining Sponsors
Cincinnati Mine Machinery
Duke Energy
Mercy Health
Miami Valley Gaming
Clippard Instruments 
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