Our 8 Favorite Marketing & Productivity Tools
Our Favorite Productivity Tools
Did you know most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned in the first 6 to 8 weeks of the year? To help you stay productive and on track in the first quarter and beyond, the Solutionistas wanted to share our favorite productivity tools with you.

If you want to learn how to harness these tools in 2018, let's talk!
Our Favorite
Productivity Tools
to Prevent Burnout & Promote
Work-Life Balance
We’ve rung in the New Year, set our goals, and come up with a plan. Stay productive and on track in the first quarter and beyond with our favorite tools

3 Marketing Tools
to Make Working on Your
Business Easier
The Origin Solutionistas wanted to share some marketing-specific tools we recommend to clients to help them work on their businesses, not in their businesses.

From Our Brag Book: Blue Sky Benefit Solutions
The Origin Smart Marketing Solutionistas had the opportunity to support Blue Sky Benefit Solutions with its brand identity, responsive website, and inbound marketing strategy.

After updating the insurance agency's logo and brand colors, we applied our design to a brand-new, mobile-responsive website that includes updates to the agency's employee spotlight.

Origin Smart Marketing | (763) 498-9168 | rosalie@originsmartmarketing.com