SLPHS has so much to celebrate in the month of May. This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Let’s recognize our educators by expressing gratitude for our dedicated team of teachers and staff. We encourage students and families to take a moment to show their appreciation in small yet meaningful ways.
This month we honor our diverse community of learners. As we welcome the vibrant colors of spring, we also embrace the rich tapestry of cultures during both Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Jewish Heritage Month. We invite families to join us in commemorating this month by sharing personal stories, traditions, and experiences that reflect the beauty and resilience of their culture. Together, let us embark on a journey to explore the myriad of cultures, languages, arts, and histories that enrich our collective identity and foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding.
May also marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, reducing stigma, and promoting overall well-being. At St Louis Park High School, we believe in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where mental health is prioritized and valued. We encourage families to take this opportunity to engage in open conversations with their children about mental health. Together, we can break down barriers, reduce stigma, and create a culture of understanding and acceptance.
Ready to make a difference? Roll up your sleeves and give blood at the SLPHS Blood Drive May 8th. It is open to the public. Your generosity saves lives.
Join us for the final musical performance from Band 9/Jazz and Wind Ensemble on May 8th and May 9th respectively. It's a celebration of musical excellence that you definitely don't want to miss!
St Louis Park HS prom is just around the corner. On May 11th students will gather at The Glass House for an evening elegant evening of dancing, laughter, and joy. This year’s theme, Midnight Rose Garden, is guaranteed to be filled with unforgettable memories. We can’t wait to see SLPHS at their finest.
Take care, be well, and GO PARK!
LaNisha Paddock
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Registration Opens Monday April 22nd!
Closes May 10th (or as soon as the class fills).
*Summer Credit Recovery is only open to students enrolled in St. Louis Park Public Schools.
Thank you for your time, and looking forward to a great summer! Please reach out to your school counselor for questions.
Carole Charlson
Summer Credit Recovery Coordinator
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BEGIN TUESDAY, May 7, 2024
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Testing Locations:
Your student will be advised of their testing location by their AP classroom teacher in advance of the exam. Due to construction at SLPHS, some of our exams will be administered off-site. Both off-site locations, Central and Lenox, are within walking distance of SLPHS.
Lenox Community Center
6715 Minnetonka Blvd
SLP Central Office
6000 Walker Street
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Transportation Information:
Students participating in a morning exam who plan to ride the SLPHS bus should walk to the test location directly after drop off at the high school. Afternoon bus pick-up may be provided by the activity bus (hub-stop). Students planning to use the activity bus should contact the District Transportation Dept for assistance:
Phone: 952-928-6051
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- Please direct any subject-specific questions about the exam to your student’s AP classroom teacher.
- For general exam questions contact:
Teresa Petta
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The Esports Club (2 Rocket League Teams & 1 Minecraft Team) has made state the week of May 16-19th! Let’s wish them good luck. | | | |
On May 1st, Knutson Construction hosted an event that connected our high school students to various trades in the construction industry. Students were able to explore opportunities highlighting these trades and got to tour our new high school facilities as they continue construction. | | | |
Our brilliant multilingual students have brought stories from their home countries to SLP High School!
Students chose books by authors from their home countries to share with the high school community. Fifteen countries and four languages are represented.
Stop by the Media Center to check out the display and why students recommend these books!
Cory Litzow-Lorentz
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Career & College Center Website | Visit our website to learn more about Summer Employment and Camp Opportunities! | | |
Minnesota students encouraged to complete FAFSA as soon as possible! |
Minnesota students who plan to attend college in fall 2024 are encouraged to complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Across the nation and statewide, FAFSA filing numbers are down compared to previous years.
This decreasing statistic comes at a time when more students than ever will qualify for Federal Pell Grants and be able to access game changing state financial aid programs, including the North Star Promise, the new scholarship program offering a tuition- and fee-free pathway for eligible students whose families make less than $80,000 per year.
For assistance with the FAFSA, Federal Student Aid offers students and families the ability to call, email or live chat on their Contact Center webpage.
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Ready, Set, FAFSA!
Webinar recordings:
St. Louis Park High Career & College Coordinator: Kara Mueller,
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Se anima a los estudiantes de Minnesota a completar la FAFSA lo antes posible
Se anima a los estudiantes de Minnesota que planean asistir a la universidad en el otoño de 2024 a completar su Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) lo antes posible. En todo el país y en todo el estado, el número de solicitudes de FAFSA ha disminuido en comparación con años anteriores. Esta estadística decreciente llega en un momento en el que más estudiantes que nunca calificarán para las Becas Federales Pell y podrán acceder a programas de ayuda financiera estatales que cambiarán las reglas del juego, incluido North Star Promise, el nuevo programa de becas que ofrece un camino sin matrícula ni tarifas para estudiantes elegibles cuyas familias ganan menos de $80,000 por año.
Para obtener ayuda con la FAFSA, Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes ofrece a los estudiantes y familias la posibilidad de llamar, enviar correos electrónicos o chatear en vivo en la página web de su Centro de contacto.
¡Listo, listo, FAFSA!
Grabaciones de seminarios web:
VIDEO: Solicite ayuda financiera: FAFSA
VIDEO: Solicite ayuda financiera: MN Dream Act
VIDEO: Comprenda su oferta de ayuda financiera
Minnesota Dream Act: beneficios y requisitos para los solicitantes de la Minnesota Dream Act
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PROM 2024
Saturday, May 11
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Where: Glass House, Minneapolis
Purchase Tickets in the Home Town App:
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On Friday, May 10th, Friday Flowers will be happening at the high school. This is an exciting way to celebrate and bring joy to our SLP community! Just in time for Mother’s Day, Prom, and Teacher Appreciation Week! Buy a flower for a friend, staff, family or a special someone to show your appreciation and care for them! You can include a note or keep it anonymous! Flower prices range from $2-$10. Flowers plus candy and a card range from $5-$15.
Have any questions?
Contact Emma Engebretson
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We're going to...
Dublin, London, and Berlin
EF Global Leaderships Summit in Summer 2025
Information Meeting
Meeting Date & Time:
Wednesday, May 8
@ 6pm
SLPHS Room B135
Park near the athletic doors (Door #15) parallel to the railroad tracks
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Caretakers, need to set up your account for PowerSchool or Schoology?
Or don’t remember your password?
Please follow this link for directions.
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Have you started your Spring cleaning? We are always in need of supplies in the Media Center. Please consider donating any of these items to the Media Center:
- Highlighters
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Folders
- Notebooks
Alison Tsuchiya Theiler
Library Media Specialist
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Our Parent Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) Mission:
We partner to create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment for students, families and educators that fosters and embraces the brilliance of the St. Louis Park community.
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Parents and Caregivers, just a few weeks left of school! Be sure to share your support for our St. Louis Park High School by looking at the opportunities below! If you have questions, please send a note to | | |
- Staff Appreciation lunch is Friday, May 10!
There are still a few slots left. Sign up to bring in a few items to make this lunch extra special.
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The high school’s Sunshine Planning Squad plans fun activities that build wellness with staff. Please consider donating one of the needed 25 $5-$15 gift cards that will be shared with staff in upcoming activities. Please use this Sign Up Genius to indicate if you can help out.
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Continue to learn about the amazing things happening around the school!
- An IB Business and Management course is being added next year. Through this course, students will build a job shadow experience to get real world experience as they pursue areas of career interest.
- This year, Storiole had revenues of over $40,000 without a store front. All business was done through their pop-up mobile store. Storiole is run by Juniors and Seniors as part of a Store operations class. Students are learning about retail, inventory management, succession planning, staffing, operations, customer service, product design/curation and more! In the future, students who take the IB Business and Management class will receive concurrent college credit. The Storiole operates independently and gets zero funding from the District.
- Storiole makes their own clothes while also supporting minority and female owned businesses. This year Storiole is making the t-shirts for the Senior Class of 25. Every senior will get one. And our kids designed and produced them all. If you want to donate to make it happen, check out the QR code below:
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If you are interested in being part of the PEAC, we’d love to have you join the team. Please send us a note at
Thank you!
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PEAC - Parent Engagement Advisory Committee
Roni Falck, Julie Yakes - Co-Chairs
Ben Schein - Treasurer
Jen Beach - Communications
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Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
Thank you teachers!
May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week, so here's to the educators who inspire, guide, and empower us every day! Thank you for all you do for our students, families and community. Your dedication shapes the future one lesson at a time.
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In the Loop SLP Construction Update
View updates from Knutson Construction and St. Louis Park Public Schools about construction projects in the school district. April highlights include project milestones and progress for the High School and Data Center.
Fun Fact:The SLP Data Center has roughly 43 tons of steel
used for the structure. That weight is equivalent
to roughly 17 Knutson work Trucks!
View the construction updates webpage.
In the Loop: SLP Construction Newsletter
rvices (DHS) and MN Information Technology Services (MNIT).
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Updated Calendar for the 2024-25 School Year
On April 30 the school board approved an updated calendar for the 2024-2025 calendar that includes October 3, 2024 as a non-student day in observance of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish holiday). To ensure the district meets the required student days, we will add an additional school day to the following school year (25-26). We will also add a staff day on June 9. The last day for K-11 students will still be June 6, 2024. View the updated 2024-2025 calendar.
Administration developed this updated calendar after the 2024-2025 calendar was initially shared and community members had questions related to a school board recommendation to accommodate holidays when our students would likely be missing school. We appreciate the community voices who shared this feedback.
With the intent to honor and respect the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of students and families, the school board will continue to be thoughtful in the planning of future school calendars. We appreciate your understanding and support of the calendar changes as we strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment within St. Louis Park Public Schools.
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