Rudy Dalinger – Diamond Jubilee

Not only are we celebrating Viking’s 60th year of business, but this past Monday our longest-tenured boatbuilder – Rudy Dalinger – celebrated his 60th anniversary with the Viking Yacht Company. Now that’s a milestone!

In 1964, the year that Bill and Bob Healey founded Viking, Rudy drove up the long driveway leading to the facility and was hired on the spot making $2.10 an hour. “It was a storage shed,” says Rudy (now Viking’s New Product Development Manager) referring to the plant. “It had nothing but garage doors and half of it was a dirt floor. I was hired as a carpenter, but really, I did whatever had to be done.”

When asked who interviewed him (above right, on ladder) for his position, Rudy says in his thick German accent, “There was no such thing as interviews.” And he chuckles, reminiscing what the facility once was. Rudy remembers Viking before the glamour and prestige, back when the company aspired to be in the same league as Hatteras and Bertram.

“Our reputation wasn’t that good,” says Rudy. “When we went to boat shows, we never wore Viking shirts because we were the laughingstock of the industry. We would check out other boat builders so we could learn from them, but we never said we were from Viking. Today? You are proud!”

Back in the day, the Viking culture was pretty rough and tumble and Rudy wasn’t used to that type of environment. But quickly, Viking Co-founder Bill Healey (above right) recognized that Rudy had talent and took him under his wing. “Mr. Healey made this company what it is,” says Rudy. “He was here every day, and I appreciated that. His work ethic impacted the employees because they saw him working hard and putting in long days. We all have a lot of respect for him. He would say, ‘We are a Chevy, but we’re going to work hard, and we’re going to be a Mercedes.’ And we became a Mercedes.”

Even more impressive than his 60 years with the company is the fact that Rudy is one of the most highly respected individuals at Viking. When Lonni Rutt, Vice President of Design and Engineering, needs to institute a change in processes or procedures, he relies on Rudy’s feedback and input from the production line for seamless integration.

“Rudy has probably forgotten more about building boats than most of us will ever learn,” said Lonni. “His willingness, dedication and, at times, stubbornness to explain how and why things need to be done has made me a better engineer. I am lucky and honored to work with him and know him. I know, without a doubt, we would not be the product or company we are without him.”

Frank Uhl is the Supervisor of the Joiner Shop and Sub Assembly. When asked what it was like when he started in 1980, he says, “If you needed help with something, Rudy was your go-to guy. He was patient and would teach you the proper way to get the job completed. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t within the realm of his job – he’s probably the most knowledgeable guy I’ve ever known."

Back in 1964, there were no computers, emails, CNC routers or cell phones. Everything was done by hand and in person. Although Rudy has adjusted to today’s modern technology and appreciates the speed and efficiencies, he admits, “I never dreamt it would come to this. It’s progress, but the machine only does what someone puts into it. It’s still about the people.”

Reflecting on his 60-year career, Rudy says, “It’s been a blessing. I have been able to contribute and work. Viking has been good to me – and as long as I can contribute, I will continue to work.”

Rudy’s son worked here and now his grandson is here in the IT Department. “There was no such thing as an IT Department back in the day,” says Rudy, laughing. 

"I didn’t think Viking was going to be in business for more than a year or two!” says Rudy. “What makes it all worth it is the recognition from customers. It’s not the paycheck, it’s the appreciation for what I do and the acceptance from employees and customers – even in my older days. That’s my hall of fame.” (Above, Rudy with his gang at Viking’s 50th anniversary celebration.)

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