COS Lenten Devotions
March 7, 2022
Today’s devotional, on the topic of groups, is by Paul Talbott, a long-time member who participates in several COS groups, including ROMEO and the usher corps.  
Mark 6 Verse 39 - Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass.

The dictionary defines a group as a number of people gathered together.

This definition fits the ROMEOS perfectly, a group of retired men gathered together in Christian fellowship.  ROMEOS began more than ten years ago as a small group of retirees from Christ Our Shepherd.  Over the years ROMEOS has grown to twenty-five or more men gathering together the first Tuesday of the month in the Christ Our Shepherd Fellowship Hall for fellowship, lunch, and a speaker.  We feature a variety of speakers from local government, business and non-profits.  During our social hour, members can relate to their experiences over the years.  Most of the members are military veterans with stories to share with the group.  Ours is a group that grew up in the post World War II era, served in Korea, Vietnam, and other hot spots around the world with little recognition.  For some members, this is their only regular social contact and interaction with men of their age group.  The group welcomes men of all faiths from the south metro area. 

Dear God, thank you for desiring to grow the Spiritual fruit of Love in my life. Help me to remember that love is a special part of my life.  Please enable me to impact others through all my words and deeds.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.