Name: Karen Dickens
How long have you worked in housing? I have worked in housing around 8 years, most of those as a Housing Officer.
What areas do you cover? The
customers I support all live in properties for over 55s, mainly in Leeds and a few in Wakefield.
What do you enjoy most about your job? I love the sense of
community you find in people, especially when I’m out and about. For example, I recently signed up a new customer and by the end of the visit, neighbours had already introduced themselves and made the resident feel welcome and part of their new community. I have seen so many of examples of this already and I’ve only just joined 54North Homes.
What is your favourite thing about living/working in Yorkshire? Ooh, that's a difficult one as there is so much to do, see and enjoy. I love a café, a pub lunch, a stroll around a reservoir, a hike through the woods, a shopping trip, a museum and it's all on my doorstep.
Where would be your ideal day out in Yorkshire? A bike ride on the canal ending up in Leeds city centre for a riverside bite to eat.
If someone was visiting Yorkshire just for the day, where should they go? I'd suggest they definitely make a visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Hepworth.