November Calendar
Happy November! We're thankful for the cornucopia of  events this month.
Pet Hugs
The Nov. Pet Hugs album is up! The next and last  Pet Hugs of the semester will be Dec. 3 from 12-1pm outside Moffitt Library.
Closed for Veterans Day
The Tang Center will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11. See our  After Hours  page for assistance. We will reopen Nov. 12 at 8am. 
Five Things to Note for November!
Practical Self-Care During Midterms 

While we know it is a stressful time, do what you can to take care of yourself. Self-care comes in many forms! Here are a few things you can do:
  • Spend some time with your friends doing an activity other than studying. It doesn't have to be long - even 15 minutes is helpful. Talk in person, go for a walk, or go grab some food. Social connection can be a great help during stressful times.
  • Pause. It can be helpful to pause and recenter yourself in stressful moments. Stop what you're doing, take a deep breath, and take a moment to clear your mind of any distracting thoughts or feelings. You can also try other breathing techniques.
  • Pack a snack. A balanced snack can help you stay alert and boost your mood during long study sessions. Power through the hours with protein filled snacks like nuts or low-sodium beef or turkey jerky. Blueberries help with short-term memory retention.
  • Move your body. Get away from your desk to stretch or even dance for a song or two! If you want to work out but can't do an hour long class, do short bouts of high intensity exercise. When studying for long periods, try the 50-10 method. For every 50 minute of studying, get up from your desk and move for 10.
  • Celebrate all your wins. Took a shower? Ate? Drank some water? Slept? Sometimes these tasks can be hard to do but it's important to give yourself credit for the things you accomplish! 
Ultimately, remember that you are enough and that you're so much more than your grades. 
Drop-In Flu Shots at Tang
Get protected! We're offering two ways to  get vaccinated! Free for students with SHIP, $30 for non-SHIP students. 
      1. New! Ongoing Drop-in Clinics until Dec. 20: everyday Monday-Friday from 10am-1pm in the Tang Lobby. 
      2. Drop-In Clinic 10am-5pm in the Tang Lobby on Monday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Dec. 6.
3 Things to Know about the Flu
  1. You can't get the flu from the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine does not contain any live flu virus, which means it's impossible to get sick from it. A side effect you may experience is a temporarily sore, red arm at the injection site. 
  2. The flu vaccine is effective. According to the CDC, the flu vaccine is up to 80% effective. While you can still contract influenza even if you get the flu shot, your risk of having a serious flu illness drops to below 1% with the vaccine.
  3. You need a vaccine every year. Flu viruses are constantly changing, flu vaccines may be updated from one season to the next to protect against the viruses that research suggests may be most common during the upcoming flu season.
From the Nutrition Team
Learn about how to turn the conversation around and  handle weight-focused conversations this holiday season

Come cook with us! The Nutrition Team is teaming up with the Basic Needs Center in honor of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week on Nov. 20! 
Thanksgiving Resources
Thursday, November 21, 5-8pm, The Graduate Hotel.
Limited seating, make sure to register!

Thanksgiving Dinner from the Hillside Club 
Tuesday, November 26th at  6:30 pm

Cal Dining Hours during Thanksgiving Weekend

Cafe 3

Thursday: 3-6pm, Friday: 11am-3pm, Saturday: 11am-3pm

Pro Shop

Thursday-Saturday: 9am-8pm 

There are many benefits to practicing gratitude such as a stronger immune system, higher levels of positive emotions, and feeling more helpful, generous, and compassionate. Try it!  What are three things you're grateful for? Take ten minutes and write it down.

Need some inspiration? Not too long ago we asked Health Workers to call someone they were grateful for and tell them why. Watch the video to see what they said. 
We're thankful for such compassionate students! Have a great November!
Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |