May 30, 2024

Dear Students and Families,

Some of you may know that I have a yearly tradition of reading a poem at graduation. This year, for the Class of 2024, I looked to one of my all-time favorite teachers, poet Judy Brown. 

No magic answers.

Life is a miracle, 

a blessing.

And when all is tangled, 

twisted, in a knot,

there is no magic answer,

only appreciation for the humanness, 

the grief, compassion;

only those faithful things 

will save us.

It is a risky business, life is –

and there is 

no magic answer.

No seed grows 

except by 

breaking through 

its own 

protective coat.

All of these things

that all of us

now represent –

the quietness,

quick humor, 


penchant for action, 

gift for questions, 

opinion on the quick, 

the sudden judgment


and loving,

fear –

All those

quite human sides 

that we have seen

in one another, 

here and there, 

are also represented

in the inner circle

of our soul

When we are able

to give space

to all within,

admitting them 

to light, 

we then give space

to all around us

just as easily, 

without an effort, 

without strain, 

knowing that each 

is a part of all.

Photo by Henry Kofman, Kehillah Class of 2023.

The school year is now over, and though our seniors walked across the graduation stage this afternoon, we will always be a Kehillah- a strong community of alumni, peers, teachers, and families that have grown together. 


We have no doubt that each of our new graduates, in their own way, will continue to contribute to making the world a better place, to building and creating, healing and repairing, lifting up the fallen, and giving voice to those who are silenced. We look forward to the myriad ways each Kehillah graduate of the Class of 2024 will continue to make us laugh and inspire us to think.

Mazel tov!

Daisy Pellant

Head of School

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