In the First reading From the Book Of

Ex 3:1-8a,13-15

In constantly reforming our lives, we must check where God fits into our set of values. The tradition found in this reading teaches that God is not far away. Moses experienced him in the situation of the desert. Last week the image of "a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch" was used to teach about God's presence. Today it is again fire that symbolizes God's closeness. By using this imagery, the Old Testament teaches exactly the same thing that Paul taught in concise language: "In him [God] we live and move and have our being."
Moses experienced God as "One who cares," and during his life he grew in intimacy with God. An example to be followed.

The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him
in your self-giving.

In the Second Reading, From the Letter of Saint Paul
to the Corinthians

1 Cor 10:1-6,10-12

Paul indicates how we should read the Bible. The sacred writers did not relate ancient traditions just to inform us. Neither does the Church want us to listen to them every three years in order to entertain us. The Bible is not a bedside story book! Inspired by God, the authors of the Bible want to teach us religious values by relating traditions of the past.
In this passage, Paul refers to some events, as he knew them from the Old Testament and observes: These things happened as examples for us.... (Gn13, 14, 16, 17, Nm 14, 20)They have been written down as a warning to us."
In reading the Bible we should always try to find the point ( God's word to us) and apply it prayerfully to our own situation.

In the Gospel of Luke

Lk 9:28b-36
This Gospel tradition refers to violent reprisals by the Romans who occupied Israel during Jesus' lifetime. There were constant uprisings on the part of the Jewish people that finally culminated in the wholesale destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. According to popular thinking , disaster and suffering were caused by sin. Jesus corrects this way of thinking, but takes these incidents as a stepping stone to teach about penance and reform using the parable of the fig tree to illustrate his lesson.
This lesson is God's word to you and me. Check your priority of values and ask yourself where God fits in! Stating that everything is all right means stating that you are "old" nad not growing anymore as a person. We need constantly ongoing reform and growth into what God has designed us to be for all eternity.


Catholic Mom contributor Claire McGarry's booklet,
is perfect for families with school-age kids.

Each day's prayer page is right-sized for busy families,
with a quote from Scripture,
a micro-story or reflection,
a meditation on our faith,
and a Mercy section at the bottom of each page:
a one-line prayer ("Receive Mercy")
and a call to action ("Extend Mercy").

Click below for a link to Abundant Mercy and more:


Ukraine is in need of prayers and help right now
in light of the current war!

Click below for a free printable prayer pack 
created as a way to help facilitate families
to easily pray for Ukraine. 


Click below to see 40 simple Lenten activities you can do with your children.

Newsy Notes

From Becky Ready, DRE
Deacon Bob Brazier, CRE

Current 2nd Grade Families
Click below for a downloadable document listing
both first reconciliation and first communion preparation dates:


Current 8th grade Confirmation

The next group meeting will be Sunday March 20,
from 11:15-1:15pm in the Parish Dining Hall .

Please bring your missing confirmation, and Saint paperwork, and
your Decision Point Book to go over Chapter 11 together.


Lord help me
to remember
that nothing
is going to happen
to me today
that You and I
together can’t handle.


Divine Lord, send your Holy Spirit anew into our hearts and cleanse us from all sin so we may adore and worship you in Spirit and in truth. Create in us a greater love for your Word and a keener desire to serve you and our fellow men. Remove all malice, bitterness, and resentment from our minds, and fill us with your abundant grace. In Christ Jesus our Savior and Friend. AMEN

Address future PSR and Sacramental Preparation Questions to:
Deacon Bob Brazier at
“Lord, I too lack the necessary faith to see the blessings that accompany Your Cross, as well as the many crosses I am given in life. Help me to be purified in my faith so that I can see Your hand at work in all things, even suffering, injustice and persecution. May I see life from Your perspective alone. Jesus, I trust in You."