In the Reading From the Acts Of
the Apostles

Acts 2:14,22-33

This passage is the first of six major sermons in Acts. All of these six sermons deal with the substance of the Christian message. It is: " Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory."
Peter's citation from Psalm 16 illustrates the freedom with which the early Church made use of the Hebrew Bible. The Psalm describes God as saving his chosen ones from destruction. Peter applies this to God's chosen one par excellence, Jesus Christ, and brings out his point; God raised up Jesus from the dead according to his "set plan and foreknowledge."

The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him
in your self-giving.

In the Reading, From the First Letter of Saint Peter

1 Pt1: 17-21

The writer describes Christ's death and its salutary effect on us in terms of the Jewish pass over : sojourn in a strange land and deliverance by the blood of a spotless pass over lamb. We are still in a strange land, but we are delivered by Christ our Passover Sacrifice. For final deliverance from pain and evil, we have "faith and hope.... in God."

In the Gospel of Luke

Lk 24:13-35

This story is one of the most beautifully written by Luke and it offers a wealth of theological (religious) insight. God's word should be 'burning within " us as often as we meditatively read it at home and listen to it in church.
Meeting the Lord Jesus in the breaking of bread (the Eucharistic celebration) should open our eyes ever more! "Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us; make our hearts burn while you speak to us."

Newsy Notes
From Becky Ready, DRE
Deacon Bob Brazier, CRE


Current 2nd Grade Families
Click below for a downloadable document listing
both first reconciliation and first communion preparation dates:


Current 8th grade Confirmation

The next group meeting will be Tuesday May 3rd,
from 6:30 -8:00pm in the Parish Dining Hall .

Decision Point Chapter 12 should be
completed at home before this meeting.

Please bring your Saint paperwork, and
your Project to go over together.


Lord help me
to remember
that nothing
is going to happen
to me today
that You and I
together can’t handle.


Divine Lord, send your Holy Spirit anew into our hearts and cleanse us from all sin so we may adore and worship you in Spirit and in truth. Create in us a greater love for your Word and a keener desire to serve you and our fellow men. Remove all malice, bitterness, and resentment from our minds, and fill us with your abundant grace. In Christ Jesus our Savior and Friend. AMEN

Address future PSR and Sacramental Preparation Questions to:
Deacon Bob Brazier at
“Lord, I too lack the necessary faith to see the blessings that accompany Your Cross, as well as the many crosses I am given in life. Help me to be purified in my faith so that I can see Your hand at work in all things, even suffering, injustice and persecution. May I see life from Your perspective alone. Jesus, I trust in You."