Empowering Our Youth to Strengthen Our Democracy
2022 No. 13
The summer session of Students for Justice is underway with 32 political organizer interns already hard at work encouraging people to register and vote! Our political organizers all live in or attend a college in Georgia, North Carolina, or Florida; 80% of them attend a historically Black college or university (HBCU). The new collage at the top of this page features the photos of our summer interns as a way for us to begin to introduce them to you!
The political organizer interns have been recruiting volunteers to write postcards to voters, engaging in phone banking to get out the vote in key primaries this summer, and creating TikTok outreach campaigns to encourage young people to register and vote.
Less than halfway through the summer session, the 32 interns have already:
--Recruited 191 volunteers
--Distributed 7,144 postcards
--Spent more than 255 hours phone banking
--Begun to learn and apply the principles of political messaging to their social media campaigns.
In addition, they have been attending presentations from guest speakers on topics including gerrymandering, the importance of state legislatures, how to run for political office, careers in politics, and the state of democracy and voting in NC, GA, and FL.

By the end of the summer, we will have identified several star interns who will go on to become team managers in our fall session, stepping into the shoes of our current eight team managers (click here if you missed our May newsletter profiling them!). As we said in our last letter, if we can raise enough money by early July we will be able to enroll 80 interns for the fall -- 64 political organizers and 16 team managers.

Here are some of our current political organizers’ goals for this summer session:
"My goal is to be a lawyer one day and then run for District Attorney, so it would be nice to see the process behind running for an election."
"I am looking forward to becoming a more well-rounded individual and agent for change through this experience. "
"I hope to get invaluable experience regarding governance in the United States and I am very passionate about advocacy, so I hope to meet like-minded people as well."
"Ignorance fuels why most citizens tend not to vote today, so I hope to gain more perspective on all sides of voting to inform my peers at my college and in my community to vote and advocate for voting. This internship will provide me with not only education, but an experience that aligns with my passions which are racial injustice, legal concerns, and advocacy."
We are excited to be working with our interns to ensure that they achieve these goals!!

And speaking of working with our interns, we need volunteers to join the SFJ family as mentors for our fall interns. Learn more about this role here and if you are interested, reach out to us at directors@studentsforjusticevote.org.
With hope for our democracy,
Claire Ullman & Sandra Radoff
Help us find opportunities for our former interns!
We work hard to make Students for Justice a career stepping stone for our interns. One of the ways we do this is by sharing job and internship opportunities with our program alumni. If you know of an opportunity for current college students or recent graduates, in any field, please email us to let us know about it so we can share it with our intern community. You might even consider having one of our former interns work for you this summer!
Want to make a difference?
The ongoing success of the internship program has been made possible by the COVID-friendly fundraising we’ve been doing, with more than 30 virtual house parties held since last spring. (Thank you to our AMAZING house party hosts for pulling their friends together on Zoom to learn more and help raise funds for these paid internships!) Click here to attend, host, or learn more about a house party.

Help us reach more people! Please forward this newsletter to everyone you know who might want to help young people save our democracy.
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