Exciting news to share with you today!!!
30 days of orphan prayer
Beginning, today, October 9th, we will begin 30 days of concentrated prayer for orphans leading up to November 8th, Orphan Sunday.
Please join us on Facebook and Twitter to receive our daily prayer points to encourage your focused time of prayer. From our experience on the ground here in Panama... prayer is the only way to see lasting change. We look forward to seeing one day the eternal impact that will be made for orphans over these 30 days of prayer.
Matching Gift Opportunity
A donor generously gave a $25,000 donation presented to Heart's Cry with the intention that it be used as a match, to spur others to join in giving to help the orphans in Panama. We thank the Lord for this gift! Please pray about what the Lord would have you do, and if He says "Give," then we thank you in advance for doing so. You can
donate online, by check or through asset giving today. We praise the Lord right now for what He is going to do with this gift.
We are asking the Lord to multiply this $25,000 matching gift beyond our wildest imaginations! Please pray with us. We will update you all in November!
Heart's Cry Video
Check out the video! We are overjoyed at how God led Dave Cook to come down and shoot the video for Heart's Cry to raise awareness for the ministry and raise partners in the work. Please contact us to schedule a showing with your local group by one of our local partners in your area.
We pray that seeing the work will move folks to action! Also check out our newly renovated website while looking at the video. We hope these changes keep you more informed of the happenings at Heart's Cry in Panama!
Final Note
We want to send you a note to say
thank you for your support over the years. We are blown away with your generosity and love. We have been in Panama 7 years this month. To see all the Lord has accomplished through our weak hands is humbling and leaves us in awe of the Mighty Wonders of the King of kings. He IS a good God and truly He loves the little children.
But there is much work yet to be accomplished. The programs of Heart's Cry:
Family Services,
Casa Providencia, and
Orphan Cares, are all currently under way. We cannot do it alone. We need you to partner with Heart's Cry financially and with prayer for this work to continue. Every single dollar that comes in to the ministry goes toward accomplishing the goals of the ministry: to help orphans in their distress. Please know that when the Lord has led you to donate, the funds were used in a responsible manner to care for orphans.
So we thank YOU for joining with us in the days ahead. This ministry cannot go on without partners. God is raising awareness in our hearts and the Board of Director's hearts of how important it is to stay connected with our partners in a more intentional way going forward. This is one of our main goals and we believe you will begin to see these changes in the days ahead.
Also, please know that we will pray for you, the donors for Heart's Cry. We pray you are blessed through the giving process. We have often seen when we go to bless others, we receive more of a blessing every time. When we go to love on the children in the orphanage, we come back changed and full of more love than when we left the house. It reminds me (Misty) of how my dad used to tell me, "
You can't outgive the Lord." How true this is. When we give to the Lord, He gives right back. We pray that your sacrifice of love, through prayer and financial support, will bless your life in this same way.
With humble gratitude,
Misty and Matt Hedspeth