For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
January 12, 2017 Edition
1. Recent Report: 
Why Should I Give To You?
2. Productivity Software: Trello
3. Cool Tool: 
Employee Turnover Cost Calculator

Comprehensive Grants Training

Successful grant seeking goes way beyond a well-written proposal. Join us for this 4-session online training:

Become a Grant God/Goddess in 22 Days!

In addition to the key components of a compelling grant narrative, we'll cover the elements of a "grant-ready" organization, the logic model, prospect research and prioritization, relationship development and funder retention strategies, budgeting - and more! 

Kicks Off 1/19!

1.  Recent Report
Why Should I Give To You?
Communicating Your Value Proposition
NextAfter's goal for this study was to understand how effectively nonprofits communicate their value proposition (think: case for support) to potential donors.

The results are presented in the report,  "Why Should I Give To You," a fascinating look at how many nonprofits get this wrong - and at those that do it right.

NextAfter staff reached out to 127 large nonprofits from a variety of fields and across 4 "channels" (website, email, phone, social media), with this: "I am thinking about giving a gift to your organization...Why should I give a gift to your organization rather than some other organization, or not at all?"

They then created an aggregate score based on clarity, appeal, exclusivity and credibility of these organizations' value propositions.

(One of their initial, unexpected and disappointing findings was that more than one-third of nonprofits didn't respond at all to their query!)

NextAfter staff then conducted online experiments designed to optimize the value proposition with a variety of nonprofits, then presented the results in a series of interesting case studies, which comprise the second half of the report. 

Given the value proposition is critical to successful fundraising, we highly recommend you check out their findings - it's an easy read!

2. Free Online Software:  
 Boost Your Nonprofit's Productivity in 2017!
Trello is a popular platform designed to help you organize projects and project teams. Each project is its own "board" and each board includes a series of "cards" or tasks. Open a card and upload attachments, add checklists and due dates, assign team members, get notifications, and more.

Trello works on most devices, and updates happen in real time. Invite people and engage in discussions. You can even respond to notifications via email and add attachments; Trello will update automatically.

While the free version offers unlimited boards, cards, lists, etc. and basic integrations, you may want to consider the $10/month package which includes lots more integrations (including with Salesforce), enhanced security, customization and better customer service.
3 Cool Tool: 
Cost of Employee Turnover Calculator
From Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
Most nonprofit managers are painfully aware that there's a financial cost to replacing an employee. But what is the true cost? The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (the folks that provide the Certified Nonprofit Professional training and credential), created a calculator to help you figure it out.

By entering detail on the position's salary & benefits, costs associated with filling the vacancy, plus the costs associated with new employee orientation, you will discover the real financial burden. 

Not only can this tool help with budgeting and planning, at the very least, the sticker shock will provide incentive to do all you can to retain your good employees!

*K. Weill Consulting Group has no financial or other relationship with this product/company. We just like it!
Brought to you by

K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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