For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
October 13, 2016 Edition
1. Report: Giving to Women and Girls by Women's Philanthropy Institute
2. Resource: GreatNonprofits
3. Pro Bono: Legal Aid Directory from American Bar Association
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1.  New Research
Giving to Nonprofits that Work with Women and Girls
Women's Philanthropy Institute Study
The Women's Philanthropy Institute, part of the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, recently conducted a study with the aim to understand which individual donors are supporting women's and girls' causes, and what motivates such giving.

Key findings from their national survey and seven focus groups include:
  • 50% of women and 40% of men report giving to at least one cause that primarily affects women and girls.
  • Women are more likely than men to give to causes like domestic violence; women's centers; lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights; cancer research, diagnosis, and support; and economic opportunities.
  • Donors were motivated to give to nonprofits that support women and girls by their personal experiences and the "belief that funding women's and girl's initiatives leads to societal progress."
  • Older, wealthier donors are more likely to give to organizations that focus on women's and girls' causes.

How can you use these study findings to better target your outreach and messaging to prospective donors? 

2. Key Resource:  
 Helpful Platform to Boost Your Organization's Visibility
GreatNonprofits - a nonprofit itself - offers organizations the free opportunity to boost their online exposure.  According to the GreatNonprofits website, 85% of donors use reviews to influence their giving.

Simply search for and "claim" your nonprofit on the GreatNonprofits platform - then invite reviews from clients, donors and volunteers. These reviews will also show up on your organization's profile in GuideStar, JustGive and several other donor-facing sites, truly bolstering your visibility and likelihood of landing support.

The site also provides sample language for emails and social media as well as website badge icons you can use to invite reviews. Also note: their "Top Rated" nonprofits campaign kicks off January 1st - an especially valuable exposure opportunity!

3 Pro Bono Legal Help: 
State-By-State Directory
Provided By American Bar Association

If you work with low-income clients who are in need of free legal services, you can take advantage of this online map provided by ABA. Drill down on your state to find a listing of agencies. Each listing includes contact information, which county/ies the agency serves (or statewide), types of cases that it takes, and any case restrictions.


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K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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