For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
March 2, 2017 Edition
1. Recent Study: 
Serving Immigrant Families through 2-Generation Programs
2. IT Report: Moving Your IT Infrastructure to the Cloud
3. Classic Study: 
Ten Nonprofit Funding Models

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* And much more!

1.  Recent Study
Serving Immigrant Families through Two-Generation Programs 
Migration Policy Institute (MPI) 
MPI's National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy conducted an analysis of socio-demographic data of parents with young children combined with a study of 11 highly-vetted, two-generation programs serving large numbers of immigrant families. The results, published in November 2016, offer some interesting guidance on the challenges and successes of these programs in improving outcomes for the growing number of immigrant families in the U.S. Among their findings, the study authors discovered the following factors for success:
  • Employing a workforce that is linguistically and culturally reflective of the population served.
  • Providing families resources, a network of connections and help navigating local systems like public schools.
  • Providing case management that addresses a broad range of needs.
  • Utilizing data driven planning to yield comprehensive and flexible service models.
  • Training and hiring successful program alumni to implement programs.
2. IT Report:  
Moving Your IT Infrastructure Into the Cloud: Lessons From the Field
Considering a cloud-based solution for your nonprofit? This September 2016 report by Idealware offers a clear explanation of the benefits and challenges that go along with such a transition.

The study authors then provide detailed considerations for moving to online (hosted) back-up and file storage/sharing as well as office and productivity software. They describe pros and cons of various hosted solutions like Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 (for productivity software) and Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and Office 365 (for back-up and file storage).

They end with case studies of 5 very different nonprofits who moved to the Cloud to accomplish diverse goals.
3 Oldie But Goodie: 
Ten Nonprofit Funding Models
Stanford Social Innovation Review
In this 2009 study,  William Landes Foster, Peter Kim and Barbara Christiansen of the Bridgespan Group identified 114 nonprofits with budgets of $50 million or more - and studied their funding models. Rather than learning that a diversified funding strategy enabled these organizations to grow so large, the investigators instead discovered each one relied upon one primary type of funder, i.e. individual donors, government funds, corporations, etc.
                                                                  From these findings, the authors were able to group the nonprofits studied into ten models, with names like "Resource Cycler," "Heartfelt Connector," "Beneficiary Builder," and "Big Bettor." They offer examples of nonprofits that fit each model. They then pose a few questions that nonprofit leaders need to answer to help them determine whether or not they may be a good fit for a particular funding model as a means to spur their organization's growth.
                                                                     This is a great read!

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K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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