Hi everyone,
Let's talk about Knee Pain
Patients often complain of knee pain interrupting their freedom to hike, run or even sit and sleep comfortably.
Let me share how we treat knee pain successfully at InnerMovement without the use of drugs or surgery.
The Femur bone forms the knee joint at the distal end and the Pelvic joint at the proximal end.
If the pelvis is misaligned, most notably the sacrum, the femur will be misaligned at the knee joint
Often a simple Sacral adjustment can relieve knee pain 100%
. Because of the treatment success we have had, we always treat knee pain first by checking the pelvis and sacrum than adjusting any imbalance found.
Joint position of the knee is based entirely on the pull of the muscles attached to the knee.
If the muscles are not pulling exactly evenly, the knee joint will track incorrectly and cause pain.
For example, if the quads become too strong in relation to the hamstrings, there will be uneven pull on the ligaments of the knee. This will cause ligament stretching and pain that can eventually lead to tearing. Learning what muscles are too strong and which are too weak than applying targeting stretch, massage and strengthening exercises is our 2nd most commonly successful treatment for knee pain.
The last line of action in the treatment of knee pain is to assess the feet.
If the arches are excessively dropped (pronated) it will case a tilt in the tibial bone effecting the distal aspect of the knee joint resulting in pain.
In these cases Custom Orthotics are prescribed allowing patients to comfortably resume all activities without pain.
If you or someone you care about has been dealing with knee pain, we are here to help!
Until your next visit,
Dr Heidi