2020-2022 Impact Report

Tackling Social Change

Thank you to our fund holders, partners, and individual donors for their generosity in solving wicked problems!

We love working with you as you finance solutions to complex social issues. During the height of the COVID pandemic, Place2Give celebrated its 10th Anniversary, and K&C is entering its 7th year of operations. While the world was in lockdown, our clients and donors were hard at work, asking tough questions and challenging the status quo operations of North America's charitable sector.

To that end, we have put together a retrospective, highlighting the dollars invested, the number of lives impacted, and the geographic scope of our work. This "look-back" is only over the COVID years.

One thing that makes our advisory service unique is that we tap into the localized needs of a community. We bring industry experts like ranchers and farmers to advise on our Food Security initiatives and engage people with lived experience navigating mental health systems across Canada on our Mental Health funds. By acting as collaborators between donors and grantees, we assist in getting funds deployed into the community faster, and because we walk alongside the Grantees, we can pivot funding quickly to ensure the greatest bang for one's social buck.

By the Numbers 2020-2022

During COVID, 512 donations to 175 unique charities across North America. Funding filled a gap where government and other institutions funders were missing.

Getting funding where it is needed most, in a timely fashion - 56% of new donations deployed within the year donated.

Donations from our Donor Advised Funds grew by over 800% in 3 years.

Over 50% of all donations were directed to Education & Human Services.

Causes Supported

Over the past three years, K&C has advised on deploying almost $26 million to local, national and international charities. Our clients and donors are influencing change across a wide spectrum of issues.

What are Human Services?

According to The Human Services Guide, Human Services are:

"Helping people find stability, and can include everything from providing for basic needs like food and shelter to offering guidance, counseling and substance abuse treatment with the goal of promoting self-sufficiency and happiness in people’s lives."

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wellcome.org estimates that 250 million people will be pushed into poverty by 2030, with extreme poverty rising for the first time in 20 years. The impact has had ripple effects; mental health, food security, homelessness, gender equality and addictions have seen large increases. The impact has disproportionally affected poor and highly segregated social groups, putting pressure on social systems and resources already spread thin.

Many of our foundations and donor-advised funds are leading the way when tackling these issues from both the education and prevention side and supporting direct services for those in need.


I want to thank you and Richard for your caring and assistance with our foundation. Your guidance helped us get our priorities straight and enabled the next steps forward that we think are needed.

We look forward to our next steps with Karma and Cents!


Chair, Hunter Family Foundation

Giving & Receiving

The donor dilemma

Are you Wonder-prone?

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, yet we struggle with one or both sides of this conversation. Why is that?

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About Karma & Cents

Social Impact Labs

Over the past two years, we have worked with the Hunter Family Foundation to tackle mental health resources for emerging adults. We held working sessions to validate assumptions, identify gaps, and find opportunities. In the spring of 2022, the Converge Mental Health Network was federally registered.

To date it has released studies on Canada's mental health landscape and is in the process of rolling out an Information & Knowledge Sharing Framework across Alberta.

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In November 2022, K&C hosted thirty Grantees and the Trustees of the Silver Gummy Foundation in Calgary for their annual summit on Gender-Based Violence. The focus was on how colonization has impacted gender identity and violence in Canada’s Indigenous communities.

This year's summit is exploring topics around masculinity and social norms.

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We don’t fund problems, we finance solutions.

We work with philanthropists who want to solve wicked social issues. Understanding our client’s priorities is key to finding meaningful solutions. We don't just pull up a Google search list of potential charities and ask you to write a cheque. By getting to know the players, understanding the landscape and identifying industry experts on the issue, we create measurable charitable giving strategies.

For almost 30 years collectively, our team has been guiding individuals, families and corporations through social impact conversations and co-creating solutions to complex problems facing North American communities. The K&C Social Impact Lab creates unique experiences for donors to dive into meaty issues in their communities in order to identify the ideal approach for their philanthropic vision.

Whether it is creating a "Giving Plan" roadmap, creating unique learning opportunities for NextGen donors, designing a funding program to leverage others in your network, rapidly prototyping solutions alongside Grantees, or creating an impact portfolio alongside your wealth advisors with both social and financial returns, K&C is here to help.

As part of our commitment to advancing the philanthropic discourse in North America, we have published our client case studies. Please feel free to share and more importantly, ask us questions!

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