April 30 - May 6, 2018
Bought and Sold
"Bought and Sold"
by Jacob Sheafe, ACC Art Student
Live Action Role Playing to Raise Awareness of Microaggressions
Highland Campus Acting Studio, Room 4.1420.15
Monday, April 30, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Faculty, students, and staff are invited to participate in a live action role playing event to raise awareness and explore the impact of micro-aggressions. Join this experiential learning exercise where participants play out the emotional strain of experiencing microaggressions in an abstracted way.

Email Charlotte Gullick to RSVP:
Great Questions Discussion & Information Session
Highland Campus Room 2210
Friday, May 4th, 2018
Podcast Discussion: 1:00 pm
Great Questions Faculty Interest Meeting: 2:30 pm

Faculty member Ted Hadzi-Antich created a podcast that interviewed three first-generation students to try to get a better understanding of their lives and struggles.

Find a link to the podcast at the RSVP link below.
Summer Institute on Digital Strategies for Student Success
June 18-22, 2018
Apply by May 20th at 5pm

The 2017-18 Digital Fellows are a group of faculty from across the college that researched and piloted digital interventions in their courses. At this Summer Institute these faculty will share their interventions, experiences, outcomes and lessons learned. Participants will have the opportunity to explore digital strategies for use in their own courses and engage in discussion with other faculty about innovative ways to engage students in the classroom and online.
Online Workshops for April
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Teaching & Learning Excellence Division | TLED@austincc.edu | tled.austincc.edu | 512.223.7522