Have you ever noticed that when we celebrate Mother's Day at church, we tell moms they have the most important job in the world, and then cheer them on, but on Father's Day, most of the service is spent telling men that they have the most important job, and then give them a 3-point outline on all the ways they should be doing it better.It ends now! Let's lead up to Father's day encouraging our men. Here are three ways to build your man up.
What Your Man Really Needs this Father's Day (and it's not Ties or Boxers...) 1. Build Him Up Verbally Proverbs 25:11 A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. I'm guessing that no one in your husband's life is building him up except for you. So how much encouragement is he getting on a daily basis? Recently for Roger's birthday, I asked everyone to come up with a "Roger Rocks": a reason that Roger Rocks and to share it with everyone else. Let me be the first to say that we are not "that kind" of family. It's not something you do in a blended family. I was actually pretty scared to suggest it, but let me tell you I'm so glad I did. Every kid (and even our daughter's boyfriend!) came up with a reason that Roger Rocks -things that our kids would have never said aloud, but they did say them, and it was amazing!
Why not do your own version for Father's Day? Ask everyone to share one reason that Dad Rocks. (I came up with about six reasons so that there were no awkward pauses. I only had to fill the silence once.)
2. Build Him Up Physically
Yes. Sex is important. But in addition to that, letting him know that you still love those broad shoulders or how he looks in a certain pair of jeans will make his week. 3. Build Him Up Prayerfully Praying for our husbands is the most important thing we can do for them - and for our marriage. I pray for whatever is most pressing in my husband's life, but in addition to that, I pray for a different area of Roger's life everyday. I'm amazed at the times when I've prayed for an area - his relationship with his kids, his job, etc, and there has been an issue on that very day in that area.
If you want to join with other women in praying for your husband, we will have a 7 day lead up to Father's Day all focused on praying for your man based on my new book Praying God's Word for Your Husband. We begin Monday, June 11th. If you aren't already subscribed to my blog, click the link below and you will be added in plenty of time to kick it off!
Join us for 7 days of praying for every area of your man's life!
And to keep the prayer conversation going, we're offering a special on my new book Praying God's Word for Your Husband. If you purchase the book ($13.99) and the bag ($4.99), we will throw in my book The Marriage Project-for FREE! (Yes, I really want you loving your husband!) That's a $31 value for only $18.99. Order now through June 30th!Order Now