Strategy in Motion
June 2018 Newsletter

Free Uncovering Unconscious Bias Learning Forum:

August 24, 2018
8:30-10:30 a.m.

Flynn and Company
7800 E. Kemper Rd.
Suite 150
Cincinnati, OH 45249

Kelsey Pytlik, co-founder of Gild Collective

Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
Darcy Bien

Download Our Complete Strategic Planner Training Tool Kit!

We're here to help you through the entire strategic planning process from data gathering, through plan development and a successful implementation phase. 

We offer a complete  Strategy in Motion tool kit  for $49 or free individual strategic planning tools, all designed especially for small to medium-sized businesses. 

Click the button below to discover and download the tools that can help drive your business to even greater success.

Save the Date!

You're invited to attend our next Strategic Planner Training & Certification session - November 1 and 2, 2018.

The Partners in Change training program helps increase your organization's strategic competency.

Click here for more information about the next training session's content and benefits.  

3 Reasons Diverse Organizations Perform Better
by Kelsey Pytlik, co-founder of Gild Collective

Diversity is a core value for many companies. For others, it might be 
Kelsey Pytlik
more of a gray area, not having a clear understanding of how
to approach diversity. And other companies might understand the importance of diversity, but not really get the "why" behind it.

It's important to understand the three main reasons why diversity helps improve the peformance of individuals, teams and the company bottom line:   

1. Diversity of thought -  Diverse teams are more likely to constantly re-examine facts and remain objective.

2. Recruitment, engagement and retention of all talent Creating an inclusive environment that goes beyond diversity encourages greater engagement and retention of your diverse employees. 

3. Bottom line and financial performance impact -  McKinsey & Company research shows that companies in the top quartile for executive team gender diversity were 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.

For more information on these benefits and why your company should invest in increasing diversity and inclusion, click below to read Kelsey's full blog post:
In the Spotlight: August Learning Forum and Our New Book Club 
Partners in Change invites you to our free Uncovering Unconscious Bias Learning Forum on Friday, August 24 from 8:30-10:30 a.m.

During the forum facilitated by Kelsey Pytlik, we'll examine how biases are formed, methods to spot biases and tricks for interrupting them. The result? Safer, more inclusive work environments. 

We believe this forum will have a profound impact on the way individuals perceive team members and how companies fare in the competitive marketplace.

Introducing the Strategy in Motion Quarterly Book Club
At the Aug. 24 Learning Forum, we'll also roll out the new Strategy in Motion Book Club! We've selected three pioneering books to expand your strategic tool box and knowledge base:
  • Traction by Gino Wickman
  • Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley and Roger Martin
  • Radical Candor by Kim Scott
As part of the club, we'll send the books to you ahead of the meetings, where we'll explore the authors' innovative ideas and listen to peers discuss what works.

The book club includes  the books, facilitated discussions with additional reading guides and tools, and continental breakfast. It will cost $499. We are offering 1 free participant to our current quarterly and monthly clients.

Future book club meetings will be held on November 16, 2018 and February 15 and May 17, 2019. All Learning Forum/Book Club sessions are at Flynn and Company: 7800 E. Kemper Rd., Suite 150, Cincinnati, OH 45249.

Contact Darcy Bien for more information or register for the free Learning Forum here:
Our Purpose is to Be Your experienced guide helping plan your organization's future.

Our Core Values are Lifetime Learners, Challenging the Status Quo, Feedback is a Gift, Strategy is Energizing and Fun.

Our Vision is 100% Implementation by Our Clients.