March 21, 2024

Dear Students and Families,

Happy Purim! Chag Purim Sameach! A'frelichin' Purim! 

Purim is a masquerade holiday in which we celebrate Jewish triumph over Haman's evil edict. It is a day marked by reading Megillat Esther (Book of Esther), giving gifts of food to friends and neighbors (mishloach manot), giving gifts of money to those in need (matanot li'evyonim), and eating a festive meal (seudah)! 

I recently heard a drash (interpretation) as to why we give gifts of food to our neighbors as part of this celebration. While it is a lovely custom, it doesn't necessarily fit with narrowly avoiding annihilation. Dr. Elana Stein-Hain shared in a talk about Purim that it is a corrective measure, that since neighbors were pitted against neighbors, the way to come back together in wholeness is to reach out to one another. What does that more than going around and giving gifts of food? 

Here at Kehillah, we celebrate this holiday in all kinds of ways, sometimes by putting on a Purim parody play (a shpiel), a carnival, learning about the holiday through an assembled gathering, or dressing up all day to contribute to the festive topsy-turvy spirit of the day! 

Wishing you all a turnaround from difficult times and a Happy Purim!

Shifra Elman 

Dean of Jewish Studies

Updates and Announcements

Important Calendar Updates

As you may be aware, we moved our graduation ceremony and reception to Thursday, May 30. In lieu of these changes and after discussions with our Deans, we adjusted our final exam schedule and the end of the second semester. Please note the new dates below:

  • End of the 2nd Semester: Monday, May 20
  • Final Exam Review Days: Monday, May 20 - Tuesday, May 21
  • Final Exams: Wednesday, May 22 - Friday, May 24
  • Make Up Finals: Tuesday, May 28

Important Events and Dates

Basketball Sports Night

Wednesday, March 27 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM

Join us in the MPR to celebrate our basketball teams! The girls' basketball teams will be celebrated from 6:00 to 6:40 PM and the boys' basketball teams will be celebrated from 6:45 to 7:25 PM. 

Kikar Coffee

Friday, April 5 from 8:15 to 9:15 AM

It's Kikar Coffee time! Come hear our College Counselors, Kaylin Liang and Jordana Bischoff, give a talk on "The College Process."

Special Schedule

Thursday, April 11

Bay Area Case Studies Program & College Fair

Wednesday, April 17 from 6:15 to 9:30 PM

This annual event is designed to help students and families understand a holistic application process from the college admission officers' perspective. You will meet in small groups that simulate an admissions committee, working with current admission professionals to review mock admission files and learning what factors truly matter to colleges as they review and select candidates.

After the application review exercise, students can meet with college admission representatives from around the country at the college fair. Click here to view the list of colleges participating in this year’s event. The event takes place at Sacred Heart Prep.

Participating students and parents must INDIVIDUALLY register in advance using

Passover Program

Thursday, April 18

Before you go...

Kehillah's Book Club is Back!

Join us tomorrow, Friday, March 22 from 8:45 to 10:15 AM in the admin lounge for our first book club meeting of the semester! We will be covering Chapters 1 through 3 of Julie Lythcott-Haims’ Your Turn: How to Be an Adult.

Use this study guide to help you unpack the topics presented in the book.

Remember our motto: "If you SKIM, you are IN!"

Key Dates

Who to Contact

School Calendar

2024-25 at a Glance

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