In our First Reading, From the Book Of the Prophet Baruch

The sacred author encourages his fellow faithful: "God will show all the earth your splendor. He sets a prophetic vision that we can easily apply to ourselves. Jerusalem the capital of Israel, stands for God's people, you and me. We should "look to the east " toward the rising sun which in Christian tradition signifies Christ, the light of the world. The message of Advent is faith in a better future. Christ will come With this in mind, let us make our Advent prater one of Hope.

The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him in your self-giving.

In the Second Reading, From the Letter of Saint Paul
to the Philippians

Paul writes about "the day of Christ Jesus." It is the day of Christ's coming. In waiting for his coming, Christians must "learn to discern what is of value." what is the priority of your values? During Advent we prepare for the Lord's coming at Christmas and his coming to each one of us.

In the Gospel of Luke

Luke relates John the Baptist's call to be a prophet, God's mouthpiece or spokesman. In God's name he is to deliver a message of repentance. Change in attitude is necessary to make ready the way of the Lord. Later Jesus himself will inaugurate his mission with a call to repentance

Newsy Notes

Happy Advent!!!

From Becky Ready, DRE

Deacon Bob Brazier, CRE

Current 2nd Grade Families
Click below for a downloadable document listing
both first reconciliation and first communion preparation dates:


Current 8th grade Confirmation

The next group meeting will be Sunday January 16,
from 11:15-1:15pm in the Parish Dining Hall .

Please bring your missing paperwork, and
your Decision Point Book to go over Chapter 9 together.



This is the 2nd Sunday of Advent December 5th!
This is the season we prepare our hearts and
minds for the birth of Jesus, our Savior.

Click below for some free printable activities to do
at home with your children through
the Advent Season.

Address future PSR and Sacramental Preparation Questions to:
Deacon Bob Brazier at
“Lord, I too lack the necessary faith to see the blessings that accompany Your Cross, as well as the many crosses I am given in life. Help me to be purified in my faith so that I can see Your hand at work in all things, even suffering, injustice and persecution. May I see life from Your perspective alone. Jesus, I trust in You."