The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter

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2nd Sunday after Pentecost

June 11, 2023

Get your bulletin here.

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am.

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am.

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services.

Sunday School for Pre-K - 12th Grade during 10:30 am Worship,

Summer Sunday School Schedule

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services.

Sunday School for Pre-K through 12th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday.*

*Youth grades 6th - 12th are in the Sanctuary on Communion Sundays.

Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

What a wonderful Sunday of music at Ark and Dove last Sunday. Our Children's Choir and Chimes Choir under the leadership of our Director of Children's music Ra'etta Bond, led the entire music portion of both services and did a wonderful job. Thank you to our dedicated children and their parents for their commitment to being worship leaders. And thank you to Ra'etta who has done an excellent job of leading our children since she arrived in late October. Ra'etta will be leading music at Vacation Bible School this summer, and Chimes and Children's Choir will be back in the fall.

Thank you again to our Associate Pastor Nominating for their diligent search efforts for a new Associate Pastor. Jennifer Kubit Mccullough has accepted the call. "Jenn" and her husband Shane will be moving here in late August, with their three children. But, ahem, we are Presbyterian and there are more steps required by our Constitution Part II Book of Order.

The call to a Pastor is a three-way call between Pastor, Presbytery and Congregation. The Session does not call a Pastor, the Congregation does with Presbytery Approval. The Commission on Ministry of the Presbytery has approved Jenn, but she will still technically need to go before Presbytery on Saturday September 16, 2023. She will be "examined" as to her sense of call to Ark and Dove. But even before that you must approve.

The Session of Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday July 9 at 11:45 AM. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear a report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Team, in which they will nominate Jennifer Kubit McCullough to be the Associate Pastor of Ark and Dove. The floor will be open for questions and discussion and then the candidate will leave the room. There will be further discussion and then the vote.

Jenn and Shane will be with us on the weekend of July 9 and Jenn will preach on that Sunday and there will be opportunities for greetings and conversations. Look for a complete bio to come out in the next week or so - we just want to be sure July 9 is on your calendar.

The APNT reports that they are unanimous in their decision to nominate Jenn to be our Associate Pastor. "We feel blessed to have found her because she will bring us many gifts. . We believe she is extremely well-qualified, and absolutely the best person for the call. Her warmth, empathy, experience, and knowledge will be incredible boons for the congregation and to the wider Odenton community. Her experiences as a middle and high school teacher, and as the Creative Director for Youth at St. Mark Church in CA, are among the many reasons why we know she will have no trouble furthering the great tradition of youth involvement at Ark & Dove. From the time we spent with her, and the many materials and sermons she provided us, we have no doubt of her qualifications and ability in regard to leading the adult side of Ark & Dove" says APNTCo-Chairs Ylonda Fauntleroy and Adora Grace Nielson Johnson. 

 I fully concur and I am extremely grateful for the work that APNT has done.

Save July 9 on your calendars!

Peace of Christ,


Reminder, I will never ask you to buy a gift card for the Church

Verse and Prayer

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

Genesis 12:1-4

Lord You have welcomed us,

You have healed us

You have restored us

You have fed us

You have empowered us.

Send us out to live and work in your glory.

Send us out to reveal your presence.

Send us out to declare your love.

Send us out to proclaim your goodness,

This day and always.

from Celtic Prayers for Growing Spiritually

by David Adam

Dear Friends,

I’m still reveling in the music from last week, where our children led worship for both services. They were prepared, poised, and led us in worship under the leadership of their wonderful director. Thank you to all of the children and parents for your commitment. They play a pivotal role in our church, and I love seeing them be the leaders that they are.  

The choir and band are wrapping up our season and we have some exciting music prepared for the next 2 weeks. This Sunday, we will be led by the band in beautiful blend of traditional and contemporary music. 

The services will open with a piece titled “Thoughtful”, played on the Hand Pan by Diane Yates. The ethereal tones of this unique instrument create a contemplative ambiance. The gentle vibrations will fill the sanctuary and set the tone for the journey of the service.  

We will open the services with a contemporary hymn, “For the Lord is Good”, and close with the hymn “Step by Step”. If you come to the 10:30 service, or you listen online, you will hear one of my favorite hymns, the Irish ballad, “Be Thou My Vision”.

The Offertory Anthem this week is called “Brother”, by Needtobreathe. The powerful lyrics, combined with the energetic instrumentation remind us of the importance of uniting in our church as brothers and sisters- the perfect anthem to sing during Pride Month. These lyrics remind us that God’s love knows no boundaries and they celebrate the unique contributions and identities of each and every one of us. I look forward to sharing it with you this week.

With love,


Director of Music

Musician Spotlight

Catherine Chambers has attended Ark and Dove since moving to Odenton in 2014. She came to the Ark and Dove Choir a few years later by a tried-and-true method: sitting next to Charlotte Davie one Sunday when Charlotte, wife of baritone Mike Davie, served as Rebecca’s scout in the congregation.

The daughter of a soprano and a tenor, Catherine enjoyed singing in the car during family trips. She took piano lessons as a child, played alto and bass recorder in high school, and has sung soprano in church choirs for much of her life. She grew up mostly in Brooklyn, NY, attending an artsy school where she did a lot of theater; frequently cast as the narrator in school plays and church Christmas Pageants, she honed the oratorical skills that she uses as a regular Lay Reader at Ark and Dove.

She is a researcher at Georgetown University, and when not commuting on public transit, she reads, writes, knits, does yoga, and repairs houses (and church-classroom ceilings).


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TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481

Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.


Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Per Capita Special Offering

Ark and Dove is now receiving the Per Capita Special Offering. The church pays a combined $40.00 per member to the General Assembly of the PCUSA ($9.85), The Synod of the Mid Atlantic ($1.15), and the Presbytery of Baltimore ($29.00) to cover the Administrative Expenses of our denomination. Per Capita funding is how Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together and to set directions for the future. Contributions to Per Capita provide the ecclesiastical infrastructure that binds our ministry. It enables churches to call pastors; supports those pastors in their ministries; provides for guidance in troubled times; encourages those called to church leadership; and enables us to gather as the body of Christ. You can pay your per Capita by clicking here.

May Financial Summary

YTD Expected Unpledged Income $9,167

Actual Unpledged Income $7,243

Behind $1,924

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving $216,645

YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving $205,707

Behind $10,938

Bulletin - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Thanks from the GLEAM Team

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who pitched in and helped make our participation in the 2023 Annapolis Pride celebration a resounding success! We were a group of 35 in all, from our booth volunteers to parade marchers and flag wavers, helping to spread a message of God’s love and affirmation to the greater community. A special thanks to Tricia Gray for making twenty-seven beautiful t- shirts for our group!

The GLEAM Team

Anti-racism and Social Equity

You're Invited!

This Saturday, June 10th at 3:00-5:00 pm, SURJ3A is hosting part one of a three event series - History Revealed, History Healed: Reparative Genealogy Teach-In in Annapolis and online. Join us as we hear how to root out racism by learning the truth of our family histories, work toward healing and repair, and see how the act of Reparative Genealogy creates potential avenues to reparations. Hear from a panel of speakers who have engaged in ancestry research and will share their learning and experiences with repair.

Click Here to register online

Social Justice Teams

Peaceful Demonstration

The Anti-racism and GLEAM teams invite all to join us in a peaceful demonstration to show the community we stand steadfast behind the faith statements displayed on our banners. Security will be present. Please don’t share on social media. For details contact the church admin. All questions, please contact Paula Sparks or Deb Saylor.

Calling All Graduates

The Deacons would like to recognize our Winter and Spring graduates for their job Well Done! If you or your child are/have graduated this year from a high school/college/university or military academy we want to include you in the Bulletin and in prayers on Sunday, June 18th.  

Please send their name, degree, and name of the school to by Tuesday, June 13. Please also send their address so the Deacons can send them a card. Any questions, please contact Linda Lewis at  

Children and Youth's Christian Education

Our theme this year for Prek-rising 5th graders is ChangeMakers Lab. Children are invited to discover and share creative ways to make a difference in the world through words and actions. Changemakers Lab invites children to ask questions, make observations, and work together to solve problems, as well as see and experience the transforming love of God.

Our Middle Schoolers (Rising 6th-8th graders) will focus on learning about the 6 Marks of Discipleship throughout the week. They will have opportunities to do activities and learn about Daily Prayer, Daily Bible Reading, Regular Worship Attendance, Commitment to Spiritual Growth and Relationship Building, Generous Stewardship, and Acts of Mission, Mercy, and Justice. There are plans to have two off-site activities during this time. (Bowling Alley and Skate Center). More details will be shared with participants who sign up.

Registration for VBS can be found here.

As always, with any questions or concerns please reach out to me at

Christian Education

Ark and Dove Book Club’s June Read

Ark and Dove Book Club has chosen Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall as their June reading selection. Join us on Zoom Friday at 7:30 on June 23rd for our discussion of this international bestselling novel based on a true story. Contact Kim Champagne for more information.

Second Saturdays Prayer Class

Kim Champagne is facilitating a monthly contemplative prayer class in the Ark and Dove Room every second Saturday, in which together we will practice one of many types of ancient prayers of the heart. We will focus on a particular type of prayer each month, with our first meeting beginning with breath praying and then moving into the Morning Prayer from the Divine Hours. June Class is canceled. Next class is July 8th.

For more information contact Kim at

Sunday Service Christian Education Opportunities

9:00 AM Service:  

  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3

10:30 AM Service: 

  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3, 4 year olds may attend 
  • Summer Sunday School for PreK-5th grade, early middle schoolers are welcome to attend as well.

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer the above services we need 2 adult/teenage leaders, from different nuclear families to help provide leadership. Please consider volunteering for one of the following this summer. 

Please sign up here: Nursery Volunteers

You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed and be another set of eyes/hands in the nursery.

Please sign up here: Summer Sunday School

We need help! All materials and lesson plans will be prepped for you. 😎


Invitation to a Dessert Meet & Greet with Betsey Moe

Betsey Moe is our PCUSA mission co-worker in Guatemala who is our liaison to CEDEPCA and she will be making a thank you tour in the U.S. this summer. She and her husband, Eric, will be with the Baltimore Presbytery June 12-15 and the Mission team at Ark and Dove is planning to host a dessert evening Wednesday, June 14th at 6:00 PM for the five churches in AA County. We will have a chance to meet her and hear about the wonderful programs/activities CEDEPCA is offering in Guatemala. There is a similar group meeting in Baltimore the evening before for her to thank churches there. We hope to have as big a turn-out as possible from Ark and Dove and if anyone is willing to make some cookies/brownies/finger food desserts for that evening, please contact Sher Atkinson, Lori Kronser, or Cheryl Walcutt. You may direct any questions to one of the three of us as well. Thanks in advance for your support.

Sher Atkinson

LGBTQIA+ Authors in the Ark and Dove Library

I Am God’s Dream is a deeply encouraging exploration of the unique strengths, curiosities, and desires in every kid. In this deeply affirming picture book, children will see how God celebrates and adores each of us—and why we should be proud to be who we are. Kids of all faith traditions will receive in these pages the gift of empowerment, purpose, and ownership over their own faith perspective early on through Matthew Paul Turner’s lyrical phrasing:

I'm playful and brave

I'm a one-kid parade

I'm gonna be who I am ‘cause I'm wonderfully made"

(On the Children’s Ministry shelf)

In our Youth Library’s Challenged and Banned collection: When Aidan Became a Brother.

“When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl's room and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing. After he realized he was a boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of his life that didn't fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life. Then Mom and Dad announced they're going to have another baby and Aidan wants to do everything he can to make things right for his new sibling from the beginning...”

With his parents’ support, Aidan learns about being a big brother and how to love with his whole self. Stonewall Book Award winner.

In our youth library’s Challenged and Banned collection: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Universe.

“Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison. Dante is a know-it-all who has an unusual way of looking at the world. When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they discover that they share a special friendship—the kind that changes lives and lasts a lifetime. And it is through this friendship that Ari and Dante will learn the most important truths about themselves and the kind of people they want to be.”

Fans of YA fiction will enjoy this charming multi-award-winning book.

To find out more about these books and the rest of our library’s collection,

see the Online Library Catalog

Outreach & Connections

Ministry & Membership Interest Meeting

Find out how to get involved at Ark & Dove!

There are so many ways to be involved at Ark & Dove! Are you interested in ways to volunteer? Considering becoming a member? We will be having a ministry & membership interest meeting on June 24th from 9AM until noon. Breakfast will be provided, and childcare will be provided if needed. RSVP at We look forward to seeing you!

Pastor Tim, Cathy Debus, and Linnie Girdner will be co-facilitating the next Healing through Grief group on Tuesday, June 13 from 7:30pm - 8:45pm as a hybrid meeting. The Healing through Grief small group is open to anyone attending Ark and Dove, as well as family members, friends and neighbors, who have experienced the death of a loved one, whether it is recent or a long time ago. Please let us know if you would like to attend in person or on Zoom. If you change your mind later, no problem. Any questions, contact Linnie Girdner, at or 410-999-7892.

Let's be there for one another in our healing through grief. If you need to talk with someone prior to that date, feel free to give me a call or contact your Deacon.

By popular demand, the IRIS Group, the LGBT+ focused group for teens, will now meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at 7pm in-person in the Calvin room, led by Adora Grace Nilsen-Johnson and Craig West. The next meeting is on the 21st. Expect fun, games, and discussion! Bring friends!

Huh? What’s a Ladew? It’s a topiary garden located in Monkton Maryland.  The Friendly Seniors are arranging a trip there on Friday, June 23. They have gardens, of course, a butterfly house, a nature walk, and a manor house to explore. They have a dining room so we can eat there if we want or bring our own and use the picnic tables.  This is open to anyone of any age, church member or not. Admission costs are Adult: $17, Student or Senior $12, Children $5. For an additional $7 there is a guided tour. Tickets are good for the whole day, excluding special events. Since there is no group rate, people are asked to buy their own tickets. Please let us know if you plan to join us by emailing by Monday, June 19, and indicate if you need, or are willing to provide, a ride. Sounds like a fun day to me!

Click Image to see more details of the Garden!


We will not continue the monthly Affinity Group during the summer to give us a chance to regroup and plan activities for the fall. We welcome any suggestions you may have for us going forward. Stay informed on our Social Justice FB page!

Ark and Dove's Lost and Found

Did you know Ark and Dove have a Lost and Found? It is located at the end of the coat rack with jackets, coats, and sweaters. Plus, a bin with water bottles and other lost items. Please take the time to see if any of your items are included in the collection by June 11th. The remaining items will be donated to Goodwill.

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT FOR Jenn and Shane McCollough and their children as they prepare to move to Maryland; The Glenn Burnie Korean Presbyterian Church as they move their worship space to Ellicott City; Debbie Arey's cousin, Carol; Jesse Pennabaker and his co-workers; Norman Willoughby, Laura Willoughby's father; a family mourning a loss; Patti Sheahan, the mother of Kim Champagne; Saralee Bartgis; Gina Richardson battling cancer; Jason Devono recovering from surgery; Gahzal Abawi; neighbors taking care of each other through hard times; Carl Lucas; Linnie Girdner; Linda Taylor's mother, Izola; Libby Kahwajy; Debbie Arey's sister, Denise; a young friend recently diagnosed with an inflammatory lung disease; Chris C. as he seeks treatment for his addiction; prayers for children struggling with depression and anxiety; Sarah Hendricks friend's daughter in the hospital and those caring for her; Sandra Krezanosky, Amy Hagemann's mother; a sister suffering from addiction and for her family; Lori Johnson, mother of Cheryl Walcutt; Connie Batts; Steve Debus's niece, Amanda Kuhl; Ann Hirschy; Linnie Girdner's great grandson, Ronan; a young child hurt in a car accident; our partners at CEDEPCA in Guatemala; families in the world facing housing insecurity; Janet and John Morgan; Achsah's mother, Rachel; Shelley Franklin; Ron Holman; Pat Devers' Cousin who has entered into hospice; family friend of Julie and Pat Devers, Joe Burgoyne; Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law, Irina Lee; Layla Tyus and her family; Kamarii Miller; The Solano Family; Friends living with cancer; Jeff Faiman; someone struggling with depression; Doris Fields; Diane McPhail; Nikol Sahai; Elizabeth Carter; Children with cancer, their families, and their care providers; Jimmy Carter; Tim Soyars; Cyndy Ingram; Laura Talbert; the people of Syria and Turkey; Barb Benson; the family of Jatin Patel, who died after a battle with brain cancer; Bernice Taylor; Bri R and Ezra; the Ostrach Family; Loretta Frick; the Bonstrom family; the Houseknecht family; Dick Eckersley's granddaughter; Amy Tardiff's mother; Aunt Teri in home hospice care; the SeonBuchner family; Ardeth Johns; for family members suffering from addiction; the Knight Family; a friend facing brain surgery; a mother in the hospital; Don Clark; MaryAnn Buckley; Sue Miller, Laura Willoughby-Perry’s mother; Audrey Miller, daughter of Kathy Miller; Dotty Kaufmann; Mary Elizabeth Nay; Bri Lapp; Holly Folk; Carol & Henry Saylor; Deb Saylor's grand-nephew, Jordan; Chantel Seetram; Debbie and Bruce Arey's Daughter, Allison; families impacted by gun violence; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Dee going through breast cancer; Doug Dehaven; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Dot Forloines; Dick Paronto; Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; Hope Sutphin; Freyja Hartzell; Gary Moody Sr.; Carlene Printy and Helen Rossum

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113
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