Second Quarter 2019 Report
July 19, 2019
OneTest Orders Grow Substantially in the U.S. during Second Quarter
For the 3 month period ending June 30th, our domestic cancer test orders increased to 220 , a more than 8-fold increase over average quarterly volume over the previous 3 quarters. Factoring in bulk discounts, the median selling price per test was about $120. We anticipate further growth in the current and subsequent quarters. Further information about OneTest™ may be found here.
Middle East and Europe Area Director Eitan Charnoff presents OneTest to a physician group in Amman Jordan in March.
First Overseas Orders of OneTest
Earlier this month, a first set of four commercial tests were ordered in Jordan that utilized our cloud based algorithms. This is the first time ever that 20/20 received revenues from outside the U.S. for cancer testing. Commercial pilots are also expected to commence this Quarter in Japan and Egypt followed by Taiwan, the UAE, and Austria. An example of this promotion may be viewed on the website of our Egyptian distributor i-Pharm here .

Outside of the U.S., tests are run in-country with our portal access licensed to improve test accuracy and clinical usefulness. Importantly, in all countries, we strive to collect real-word outcome data for continuous machine learning.
Physician User Discusses How 20/20's Cancer Tests Helped Save the Lives of Several of His Patients
John Verhuel, M.D., a Richmond Virginia area Occupational Health and Family Medicine practitioner is a power user of 20/20's PAULAs and OneTest. In this 2-minute video, he describes how these tests have already helped him identify early stage lung and pancreatic cancers in his practice likely saving lives.

As Medical Director of the Virginia State Police and several regional fire departments, Dr. Verheul discusses why firefighters in particular should be screened for cancer yearly using OneTest. For more information on this segment, visit
New Clinical & Scientific Leadership Retained

This month, 20/20 hired three Ph.D. level scientists to occupy management positions within the company.

Pictured top to bottom:

David Schodin, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Officer is a 15 year veteran of Abbott Diagnostics where he focused on licensing and business development.

Abdel Halim, Ph.D. Clinical Laboratory Director has 20+ years of experience in clinical labs, diagnostic, and drug industries. He is Board certified in Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology, and Molecular Diagnostics and is accredited by FDA as a 3rd party reviewer for diagnostics applications.

Jiming Zhou, Ph.D., Vice President, East Asia and Clinical Laboratory Supervisor has previously managed 2 CLIA laboratories and has established partnerships between leading medical institutes in the U.S. and China.
Successful Silicon Valley Venture Capital Investor Added to 20/20 Board
Ted Driscoll, who invested in 20/20 in 2018, has been elected to our Board of Directors. He brings 35 years of experience in health and imaging technology as an investor and entrepreneur. Ted is an expert on digital health and diagnostics, from big data and health technology to genomics and personalized medicine. 
Ted has a successful track record of sourcing and leading the financing of promising diagnostics and digital healthcare startup companies, including Natera, GeneWeave and Numedii and has served on the Boards of these and many other companies. He is currently the Founder / Managing Partner of DigitalDx, a new venture fund specializing in supporting companies at the intersection of diagnostics, big data, and AI technologies.
Recruit Your Healthcare Provider & Get Free Yearly Cancer Screening for Life
Because of our success last year with equity crowdfunding under the new Regulation A+, 20/20 is fortunate to have over 4,000 shareholders throughout the U.S. and around the world. We are now seeking to leverage this substantial shareholder base to help grow test adoption worldwide.

We invite all of our shareholders to introduce their doctors to OneTest. (We will provide you with a short hand-out to present to your doctor that summarizes the test's clinical performance and value.) If your introduction results in the healthcare provider routinely offering this test to patients, you will be entitled to a yearly OneTest™ for the rest of your life at no cost.

For details please contact Careen at  or call 240-453-6339 x 108
Financial Reports
In order to maintain our Reg. A+ Qualification we are required to file Annual and Semiannual Reports with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) that include Financial Statements (the Annual Statement must be audited). Those interested in obtaining copies of recently SEC filed Financial Statements should contact
Regulation A
20/20 GeneSystems is offering securities through the use of an Offering Statement that has been qualified by the Securities and Exchange Commission under Tier II of Regulation A. The Final Offering Circular that forms a part of the Offering Statement may be downloaded here:
Investing in an initial public offering under Regulation A is subject to unique risks, tolerance for volatility, and potential loss of principal, that customers should be aware of prior to making an investment decision. For more information about Regulation A offerings, including the unique risks associated with these types of offerings, please click on the SEC's Reg. A Investor Bulletin .

Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements in this document including statements regarding a future offering of the Company's securities under Regulation A, the potential success of any such offering, and the Company's ability to successfully sell and commercialize its cancer diagnostic products, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements relate to expectations, beliefs, projections, future plans and strategies, anticipated events or trends, and similar matters that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "anticipate", "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "plan", "potential", "should", "will" and "would" or the negatives of these terms or other comparable terminology.
You should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements. The cautionary statements set forth in the Form 1-A with the SEC in March 2018, including in "Risk Factors" and elsewhere therein, identify important factors which you should consider in evaluating our forward-looking statements. 
Although the forward-looking statements in this document are based on our beliefs, assumptions and expectations, taking into account all information currently available to us, we cannot guarantee future transactions, results, performance, achievements, or outcomes. No assurance can be made that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements will be attained, or that deviations from them will not be material and adverse. We undertake no obligation, other than as may be required by law.