In the Reading from the Book of Exodus
Ex 17:8-13
On their way to the promised land, the Jews pass through territory controlled by another nomadic tribe, Amalek. A tribal war breaks out. Moses picks out a high spot and like the other army commanders of his day holds the staff in his hand. From there he guides the battle. But note that Moses staff is called "the staff of God." In verse 16 (see your Bible) the victory is expressly attributed to God. What did the sacred writer want to bring out by relating this ancient tradition? His lesson is: God fought on our fathers' side in the past, and he will help us now.
Why do we read this episode about two warring bedouin tribes in a desert some 3200 years ago? We do not read it just for information. As believers, we pray and meditate on the point that God wants to bring out through this narrative. It could be: "In the battle of life, I am with you!" With this in mind, we make the words of the Responsorial Psalm our prayer to God.
The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him
in your self-giving. He raises up the lowly from the dust; from the dunghill he lifts up the poor. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
In the Reading, From the second Letter of Saint Paul toTimothy
2Tm 3 :14 - 4: 2
Paul insists that preachers should know the Bible and use it as the source of the wisdom they preach. With Scripture the man of God (priest-preacher) is well equipped for his job. This implies that we should listen with faith when the Bible is explained in church. But why did Paul not recommend Bible reading by all? Simply because Bibles were not printed in his day and the vast majority of the faithful were illiterates. In our literate age with Bibles available, we should read prayerfully for ourselves.
Like the "Biblia Pauperum" (Bible stories, painted on the walls of medieval cathedrals for the illiterate poor), paraphrased and pictorial Bibles are all right for children and people with a low reading ability. Literate Christians read God's word in a translation as close as possible to the original, try to understand it with the help of introductions and footnotes, and apply it as God's word to their own life situation, as we do with today's Bible readings.
In the Gospel of Luke
Lk 18: 1-8
It is important to pay attention to the point of this parable. Jesus does not compare God with the unjust judge insofar as he is lazy and unconcerned, nor insofar as the reason why he finally gives swift justice is concerned. The point is that like the widow we should persevere in prayer with a great faith! If we do so, God will be with us in the battle of life.
Newsy Notes
Deacon Bob Brazier, CRE
There will be a First Reconciliation Meeting at 6:00pm in the Parish Dining Hall Thursday October the 27th
Greetings First Reconciliation Families!
On Thursday Oct.27, we are going to have our
First Reconciliation Meeting with Father Bill.
It will be in the
Parish Dining Hall from 6:00-7:30.
At least one parent should attend with their child.
We look forward to learning together the treasure
we have in our sacrament of reconciliation.
Service Projects for confirmation are completed over the summer
and due at the September meeting after school begins again.
We have created a God is Love Service Project Handbook
that outlines the details of how to complete
this requirement for confirmation.
Service Projects can be done in a group, individually, or with family.
Click below for a copy of the God is Love Service Project Handbook:
After the Project is completed, a Service Project Form
needs to be filled out and turned in at the November 13th group meeting.
Click below for a copy of the Service Project Report Form: