Parent Teacher Talk

28th Sunday

of Ordinary Time

October 15, 2023

Gospel of Matthew

Mt 22:1-14

A Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Is 25:6-10

Eating or "breaking bread" with a person is a Biblical sign of intimate friendship. Isaiah locates the banquet of the end-time 9the time of God's kingdom on earth) on Zion, the holy mountain of the Lord in Jerusalem. God will take away the veil that keeps us from seeing him. He will open the eyes of the faith and we will recognize him as "our God." " Behold our God, we looked to save us. This is the Lord for whom we looked.

The Responsorial Psalm is that that we put our trust in Jesus because of his love and kindness and that he has done great things for us, so we should be filled with joy and love for him and to be like him.

in your self-giving. He raises up the lowly from the dust; from the dunghill he lifts up the poor. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The Lord hears the cry of the poor!

A Reading, From the Letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians

Phil 4:6-9

Paul in prison had received a gift of money from the congregation of Philippi. He is grateful and appreciative. "It was kind of you to share in my distress."And God will reward you: "My God will fully supply whatever you need." God's message to us could be: Be concerned and help, when you know a fellow human enduring hardship.

In the Gospel of Matthew

Mt 22:1-14

Why does the king cast out a guest for not being properly dressed for the occasion when the guests are "whomever you find" on the byroads? Maybe the poor fellow came from his field where he had been working all the day! The answer is that actually this passage contains two parables that first went through the process of oral tradition and finally fused together by Matthew.

When one takes the second parable on the wedding garment as such, the message (God's word) is clear: When you accept the invitation to God's banquet (the Holy Eucharist--- God's companionship in heaven) you are supposed to be clean.

The first parable on the wedding feast also received some insertions along the way. The part about the king having the banquet ready and sending out his army to burn the city clearly refers to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D . Matthew has adapted the parable to the needs of his church toward the end of the first century: The Jews were invited but refused: hence, the Gentiles come in! God's word to us may be: God invites you. Appreciate the invitation and join the banquet!

Newsy Notes


Deacon Bob Brazier, CRE



Welcome Back

1st Reconciliation

There will be a meeting with the children and their parents in the Parish Dining Hall on October 26th at 6:00pm with Father Bill to discuss 1st Reconciliation.



There will be an 8th grade Confirmation Retreat on October 14th, 2023 at 9:00am to 5:00pm here at St. Thomas More. Students will all meet at the Parish Dining Hall. Please do not be late!


Address future PSR and Sacramental Preparation Questions to:

Deacon Bob Brazier at

Bring Your Children To Mass?

When Jesus reprimanded the apostles for wanting

to keep children away from Him (see Mt 19:14),

He did not give an age or behavior requirement.

At the baptism of a child, parents and sponsors

promise to teach their children the Catholic faith

and “to bring them up according to

the law of Christ and His Church.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us,

“The Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day

and his Eucharist is at the

heart of the Church’s life” (No. 2177).

This importance is shown in attendance at Mass

and rest from labor, the first of the precepts of the Church.

Click the link below to read why you should bring your children to Mass:


Divine Lord, send your Holy Spirit anew into our hearts and cleanse us from all sin so we may adore and worship you in Spirit and in truth. Create in us a greater love for your Word and a keener desire to serve you and our fellow men. Remove all malice, bitterness, and resentment from our minds, and fill us with your abundant grace. In Christ Jesus our Savior and Friend.


“Lord, I too lack the necessary faith to see the blessings that accompany Your Cross, as well as the many crosses I am given in life. Help me to be purified in my faith so that I can see Your hand at work in all things, even suffering, injustice and persecution. May I see life from Your perspective alone. Jesus, I trust in You."