This is just one of the ways the Council and its members were able to G.I.V.E. (Gift, Impact, Value, and Elements) in 2021.
GIFT. The Gift that keeps giving is the Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) 11 Task Order Awards. The Council is proud to announce that the TSA Program Management Support Services BPA task orders were awarded to one of our council members the RELI Group, Inc. This HUBZone set-aside was the result of champions like Congressman Benny Thompson and his team working closely with Robert Boone (TSA, Small Business Specialist) to design and implement an acquisition strategy that removed barriers facing the HUBZone businesses while providing TSA clients with cutting edge customer centric program management services.
IMPACT. In 2021, TSA obligated the RELI 65 million dollars for a full range of program management services, from governance to cybersecurity. This win has increased employment and business opportunities exponentially within underserved communities throughout our nation. RELI has employees in 34 states with over 50 full-time HUBZone employees. They are currently on track to have over 300 employees and subcontractors on this effort by the end of 2021.

RELI provides mission-critical support to TSA. Just recently, they supported the Afghanistan evacuation operations including the flights, manifests, immigration process for US citizens, Special Immigrant Visa applicants, and other vulnerable Afghans.
VALUE. TSA is now meeting its HUBZone goals with RELI, a company that continues to bring their “A+ game”, receiving exceptional CPARS despite the comments by the naysayers. RELI by all accounts was considered high risk, not because they didn’t have great past performance in other agencies, but because they weren’t TSA insiders. RELI proved that the right learning curve is one that allows the new vendor an honest view of both the worst and the best, and the foresight to only leverage the best while patiently listening to each customer.
ELEMENT. This paradigm shift was brought about by HUBZone leaders who chose to collaborate with their congressional leadership to change federal acquisition policies and practices. Our HUBZone community found a willing partner in Congressman Benny Thompson (currently the chair of the Committee on Homeland Security). He wanted to level the playing field. Thompson employed a progressive and realistic approach to overcome persistent disparities while being the unabashed champion for acquisition reforms that increased equity for underserved small business owners. He
constantly challenged TSA’s leadership to find innovative ways to meet their HUBZone goals which resulted in TSA creating a HUBZone set-aside. Once the set-side was in the works, RELI designed a winning strategy that included an all-star team of small boutique businesses and one medium-size business to win this award.
Content Produced by Build-IT-Up, LLC
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