Dear Friends,
When the MRI results came back via MyChart, I did the opposite of what I try to get patients not to do in my job in Medicare marketing — I started Googling instead of waiting for my doctor to guide me. 

If I had waited, I would have received clarity instead of getting stuck in hypotheticals: yes, my Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament (ATFL) is completely torn, there is a soft tissue contusion, and a strained calf muscle, but no, I don’t need surgery or need to wear a boot. This is, she said, because two other lateral ligaments are intact, strong, and can help support my missing ATFL. “Will I be able to run again,” I asked? “Yes,” she said. “If you avoid high impact activities and stay in physical therapy.”

I shared this good news/bad news update with a 20s/30s friend recently, and her text back stopped me short, “I hear hope in the healing of your ankle!” She continued, “While you have a road of recovery (including a large dose of patience to assist you in holding off on high impact activities until you are fully healed), the swollen, painful state is not permanent!” 

She heard hope. Hold off on high impact. The painful state is not permanent. 

I have been thinking a lot about her words as we make a turn into Lent – a time of slowing down, of listening for clarity, of evaluating what’s working, and what’s not, of contemplating what’s temporary and what’s permanent. What do we need to hold off on to create space for healing? How can we allow others to support areas within us that have become weakened? How can we pause to receive rest and restoration? How do we rise in hope of new life transformed? 

These are all questions that I find encouraging to explore within our shared community, especially as we continue to adapt and emerge from changing pandemic patterns. In the months ahead, we will have a balance of activities in both contemplation and play. Whether it’s a bird walk, trying a new spiritual practice, or exploring the behind the scenes tour of the Flentrop organ, it would be great to have you join in. 

Emily Meeks (
4th Monday Night Prayer + Yoga

6:30 P.M. Yoga in the nave 
7:30 P.M. Night Prayer in Leffler House

We’ll gather in the Leffler Sun Room following yoga. Call-in option still available. Learn more here. Email Adam ( for information.
Bird Walk in Magnuson Park

SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 10 A.M.–12 P.M., Magnuson Park 

We'll take a guided walk led by David Poortinga through grasslands, wooded hillsides, wetlands and shoreline to discover the many waterbirds and more at Magnuson. No birding experience required. Meet at the parking lot near the Magnuson Park Boat Launch off of 65th/Lake Shore Drive. Questions? Email Emily:
A Holy Thread: Lenten Reflection & Connection for 20s/30s

SUNDAYS, MARCH 13, 20, & 27, 5:30-6:45 P.M., Leffler House (with the option to attend the 7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel)
Are you drawn to contemplative reading and have a desire to reflect on content with others? Drawing from Listening for the Heartbeat of God by J. Philip Newell, we’ll weave in themes in the readings over the course of three Sundays for a time of spiritual reflection and connection. Participants are encouraged to read the book but it is not required. Co-facilitated by Victoria Szydlowski and Emily Meeks. If interested, please email Emily: (
Contemplative Prayer Practice in between services

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 10:10–10:50 a.m., Leffler House

details to come but save this date to gather in Leffler to explore a contemplative prayer practice led by Adam (  and Fraser (
Behind the Scenes with the Mighty Flentrop: Tour & Refreshments

SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 12:15 P.M.2 P.M., Leffler House and cathedral nave

Join Canon Michael Kleinschmidt for a fabulous “back-stage” pass experience of Saint Mark’s famous Flentrop Organ. First, we’ll gather after the 11 a.m. service for light refreshments and conversation after the service at Leffler House. At 1 pm, we’ll head back to the cathedral where Michael will offer a “tour” and demonstration of the instrument, including a brief singalong with favorite hymns. Bring your favorite hymn titles, and we’ll sing one verse together. Questions or special requests outside of The Hymnal 1982? Email Emily (
Pop Up Questioning Together + Compline

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 7:30 P.M.10 P.M., Leffler House

We’ll explore a question connected to “surrender” with a conversation facilitated by Seyi Akanni. Gather for dessert from 7:30–8 p.m. followed by an hour of Questioning Together. For those interested, a group will go to Compline together at 9:30 p.m. Questions? Email Seyi (
Coming Soon:

Details will be shared soon about an opportunity for 20s/30s to experience the Stations of the Cross during Lent in a way that encourages interaction and reflection.

Plans are in development to hold another scripture study in late spring/early summer. If you are interested, please email Melissa ( or Adam ( 
The Santa Marta Anglican Center: Supporting LGBTIQ+ youth in El Salvador

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 10:1010:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall and via Zoom.

The Santa Marta Anglican Center supports LGBTIQ+ youth in El Salvador who are facing homelessness. It is a ministry of the Diocese of El Salvador, part of the Anglican Church in Central America. Attend this Sunday morning forum in person or online to learn more about the Diocese of El Salvador's work to advance LGBTIQ+ rights, celebrate LGBTIQ+ stories, and support LGBTIQ+ youth and young adults who have been kicked out of their homes. Check out an article about the work of the Center here.
Inquirers’ Classes

SUNDAYS, BEGINNING MARCH 6APRIL 10, 12:30 P.M.2 P.M., Cathedral House Room 210, or via Zoom

No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending The Inquirers’ Class, a six-session class facilitated by clergy where we will explore together the basics of the Christian faith through the Episocpal lens. Learn more and register to participate here. Email Emily ( with questions.
Taizé Prayer Service

TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 7 P.M., cathedral nave

Participate in this simple service of music and prayer drawn from the rich yet accessible tradition of France’s ecumenical Taize community. More details about this new offering will be announced in the coming weeks. Questions? Email Natalie ( or Adam (
"Better Together" Faith Formation Mini Conference

MARCH 12, via Zoom

Register here
Spring Afresh: An Alternative Liturgy for the Equinox at Saint Luke's, Renton

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 7 P.M., St. Luke’s Renton

Learn more here.
Have you ever wondered about how you can become more involved in the fight for justice for Indigenous peoples, beyond the land acknowledgement at Saint Mark's events? The first step is learning more. The two books I’m recommending discuss the Doctrine of Discovery, a series of papal edicts beginning in the 12th century that provide the justification for colonization of Indigenous lands by Christians, and the ramifications of this doctrine for Indigenous peoples and the church today.
First, The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery is a book that unravels the ways in which our theology can support the doctrine worldwide, while suggesting new ways of thinking about theology which spur us towards justice and change for the better. Sarah Augustine, the author, is a Christian Indigenous woman who challenged my thinking about security and the way I conceive of our connectedness. 
Second, Unsettled Truths is written by Mark Charles, a Navajo speaker and writer, and Soong-Chan Rah, a theology professor and child of immigrants. It provides a look at historical truth in the US, counteracting the narrative of American Christian exceptionalism and offering a genuine lament over the atrocities of racism and colonialism in this country. 

While both of these books are difficult reads, I highly recommend them to you if you want to further your learning!

—Laurel Petrik (
A Conversation about Intersectionality

Canon Rosario-Cruz hosted two community conversations to consider how an intersectional approach informs all aspects of our community life. Check out the resources shared here.
Seattle Service Corps members and 20s/30s from Saint Mark’s gathered for a Taizé service at the Young Adult Contemplative Retreat hosted by the Diocese of Olympia at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center near Dash Point Park in mid February. 
Hellebore from the garden of Natalie Willis
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]