We have moved all of the information that you need for the club season to our website under "Club Director / Coach Resources". In this section, you will find detailed information about each of the age groups, copies of the email updates that we send to you, and other key documents.
This copy is for clubs to begin the planning and budgeting process. Host cities will be confirmed by December 1. Please note that this competition calendar is subject to change based on facility availability.
We anticipate that the 12U-18U Provincial Championship weekend dates will remain similar to previous years. However we are in the process of reviewing and determining the format and locations. We will confirm this information by September.
Regional designations: Please note that events in the "Interior" may be held in Kelowna, Kamloops, Vernon, Penticton, or other communities. Please note that events in the "Island" may be held in Victoria, Nanaimo, Campbell River or other locations.
The club application is now open! Please CLICK HERE to be taken to our website where you can find the link to the 2025 Club Application (left hand side in the menu).
Once you have completed the application, you can make payment through Sportlomo. You can filter for the correct event by selecting Event Group: Club - Payments
We would also like to introduce you to our Coordinator of Member Services, Peter Quetulio, who is available to answer any enquiries about membership, setting up, or screening checks. You can reach Peter at members@volleyballbc.org
Here is a reminder of your contacts in each region: