Invitation: I’d like to invite each of you to join me on a 6-week UpRooted devotional journey through a Zoom call to share our insights, review questions, and pray. All you need is my book and 15 minutes daily to read and reflect. I plan to have Tiffany join us for one of the sessions to discuss her songs throughout the book.
Dates: January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 8 & 15
Time: Thursday evenings from 7-8pm CT to start. I’ll add another session if needed. Email me at if you’d like to join!
I know your schedules are busy with studies in your churches. But if time permits, you’ll be connected, encouraged, and resourced on this journey with other GLD pastors’ wives. You can listen to the UpRooted book song playlist by Tiffany Thompson and find my books on Amazon on my website:
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Rooting you on in Jesus,
Jan C. Thompson