You are Invited!

We invite all pastors' wives to join our affinity group on Tuesday morning, October 15th, at the 2024 GLD Conference. A team of ministry wives will facilitate discussion of some of your questions and challenges that are unique to your role of being married to the pastor. It will be a chance to renew friendships and to meet some new women, as we share, encourage, and pray for each other.

We look forward to spending part of our session thanking and honoring Jan Thompson as she and her husband Rick will be retiring from his District Superintendent role at the end of the year. Please reflect on your memories of Jan and something you could share about how she has touched your life, whether through her online communications, her books, or her modeling of being a supportive ministry wife.

Hope to see you at the conference!

Lisa Bubar

Pastor's Wife

GLD Conference Details
GLD Conference Registration
Great Lakes District EFCA | 574.299.9711 | |