PBA has various sponsorship levels on the registration form. For a preview of the available sponsor opportunities, click here.
If you are looking for the highest level of recognition at Marketplace, we recommend the PLATINUM Sponsor Level. It includes: 1 BOOTH with 2 attendees; 1 Intro to Marketplace Seminar Registration; 1 Profile Sheet in Directory (2-sided); Booth Placement Selection; 1 Full-Page Directory Ad. To become a Platinum Sponsor, choose Sponsorship Only on the registration form and then add the Platinum Sponsorship to your registration under Additional Items.
The Sponsorships are very affordable with the ability to place your Profile Sheet in the Directory which is distributed in advance to all PBA motorcoach companies and their group leaders. Ads range from a quarter page, half-page, or full page with all being in color, and a Video Marketing Sponsorship for group leaders, etc.
View the Advertising Guidelines.