Intro to Woodmont June 9

If you’re new to Woodmont, then we want to see you at our next Intro to Woodmont luncheon on Sunday, June 9, at noon in the boardroom! This is a chance to meet with Clay and some of our leaders to learn more about Woodmont and if God is calling you to make this your church home. Lunch is served and you are warmly invited! Childcare is available with an RSVP to

RSVP for Intro to Woodmont

Former U.S. Attorney General at Woodmont May 29

On Wednesday, May 29, the Honorable Alberto Gonzales will be in Carpenter Chapel to speak on "Faith, Public Leadership, Partisanship, & the U.S. Justice System" at 6:00 PM.

Currently the Dean of Belmont’s School of Law, Gonzales was nominated by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate as the 80th Attorney General of the United States in February 2005 and served in that capacity until September 2007. He has worked as a partner at a major Houston law firm (Vinson & Elkins) and held government positions as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court, Texas Secretary of State, General Counsel to the Governor of Texas, and Counsel to the President of the United States.

Gonzales' work in the Hispanic community and his achievements as a role model have also earned him recognition as "Hispanic American of the Year" by HISPANIC Magazine and one of "The 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America" by TIME Magazine.

Judge Gonzales became dean of Belmont's law school in 2014 and presently teaches constitutional law, First Amendment law, national security law, and separation of powers.

Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier at Woodmont June 12

On Wednesday, June 12, Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier will join Clay in Carpenter Chapel at 6:30 PM to discuss "Higher Education, Ideology, & Free Speech."

A visionary leader and lifelong academic, Diermeier is dedicated to advancing Vanderbilt's mission and values at every level across the university's ten schools and colleges. Born in Berlin, Germany, he is a first-generation college graduate who most recently served as the Provost at the University of Chicago.

Diermeier became Vanderbilt University’s ninth chancellor in 2020 after an extensive search. In the years since, Chancellor Diermeier has led an ambitious program of expansion and improvement in the spirit of Vanderbilt’s motto, "Crescere aude," or “dare to grow.” Under his leadership, the university has risen in stature, topped the $1 billion mark in research expenditures, successfully launched a $300 million fundraising campaign for Vanderbilt athletics, and reaffirmed its long-standing commitment to free expression and civil discourse.

Maintaining Faith in Anxious Times

by Clay Stauffer

Woodmont has had a VERY strong stewardship campaign this year with a very high level of participation. Please pray for the leaders who have been nominated to serve at Woodmont in the upcoming year. The nominating committee received more nominations this year than ever before, and I appreciate all the time they have put into this process. Strong leadership is essential at any church, and we are very fortunate to have many strong leaders at our church. 

I continue to highly recommend Jonathan Haidt’s bestselling book The Anxious Generation. This book is a must-read for mothers, fathers, and anybody who wants to gain a deeper understanding of what smartphones and social media have done to increase the anxiety and restlessness in our culture, both kids and adults. Anxiety has been defined before this way: “A natural human reaction to stress that can be a feeling of fear, dread or uneasiness.” Anxiety can be mild or severe. Fear usually has an object but anxiety is basically "fear of the unknown" and is much more difficult to address. We know we are afraid, but we don’t always know what we are afraid of. For Tillich, all of life’s fears can be placed into one of three boxes: fear of death, fear of meaninglessness, and fear of guilt or judgment.

As both a minister and father of three, I have seen the significant rise in anxiety and I think Haidt is correct, our addiction to technology is playing a big role. As he says, many people are not present and are “forever elsewhere.” I believe Covid and everything that came with it was a tipping point for our culture. Parents have to decide when and to what degree children can access these things. Adults must also pay close attention to our own behavior and the example we are setting. We must put boundaries up for our kids recognizing that they have a limited ability to process certain things at different stages of development. Faith and spirituality is directly tied to addressing all of this. The opposite of faith is not necessarily doubt, it is fear and hopelessness. When people give in to cynicism and negativity, it is difficult to change course. We all have the ability to control and manage our thoughts and emotions. We also have to constantly ask ourselves, are we putting out positive energy or negative energy? Both are contagious. The choice is ours.

Jesus said, “In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” He also said, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.” This is one of those teachings that sounds great but is difficult to follow. We all have ongoing bills, tuition, mortgages, and many other rising costs that keep us stressed and on edge, not to mention the many setbacks and disappointments that we inevitably face. But let’s also remember how Jesus concludes that famous passage: “Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring troubles of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” This is a reminder to live life one day at a time. The present moment is a gift, and it is all that we have.

Our culture has neglected Sabbath rest, prayer, reflection, boundaries, and balance. Life can feel like a hedonic treadmill that never stops. Yet, we recognize that we can’t do everything. So we shouldn’t try to do everything. Carving out intentional time for margin and rest is essential. Sometimes we need to turn the news off. Sometimes we need to put our phones in the kitchen and leave them there. Sometimes we need to get back to the simple things that will bring us great joy: a family dinner, an evening walk, a night out with our spouse, a backyard cookout, keeping a gratitude journal, and saying "no" to certain things. Priorities only remain priorities when we make time for them. Focus on the good, live in the present, be grateful, and recognize that there is a lot in the future we do not control. We will continue our “Anxious for Nothing” series this Sunday!

2024 Leadership Slate


The nominations are in for our 2024 Chair-elect, Board, Elders, & Deacons! Our annual congregational meeting and election is Sunday, June 16, at 10:40 AM. Installation of our newly-elected leaders is Sunday, June 30, as part of our 11:00 AM service.

View 2024 leadership slate

Make your pledge online!

Our 2024 stewardship campaign is wrapping up! Click the button below to make your pledge quickly and conveniently online so that we can plan for another amazing year of ministry together.

Pledge online

Welcome, new members!

 Jay & Allison DeMarcus, joined May 12

 Jose & Jessica Amden, joined April 30

Worship Night May 21

Our next monthly Worship Night is Tuesday, May 21, at 6:00 PM in the chapel! This is a full band, music-heavy, mid-week spirit uplifter. It's a 30-minute causal service focused on music and encouragement to keep you going midweek. Come as you are!

Our Young Professionals group will have the Crawfish Boil at Campbell West afterward, so come for the music and stay for the food! Questions? Contact

New date! YP Crawfish Boil rescheduled

Due to weather, our YP group has rescheduled their annual Shrimp & Crawfish Boil to Tuesday, May 21, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Campbell West, the former parsonage house behind the church. The group will have lawn games, crawfish tables, drinks, and fellowship during one of the prettiest times of year! Contact to RSVP, ask questions, or request childcare.

RSVP for Crawfish Boil

Mother's Day

See all Mother's Day photos

Child dedications

May 12

Andrew Charles Akbari, son of Austin & Grace Akbari

William Bridges Barrett, son of Will & Hillary Barrett

James Eli Gulick, son of Josh & Emily Gulick

Leighton Rose Henderson, daughter of John & Lisa Henderson

See all Mother's Day photos

A Simple, Centering Prayer for Busy Days

by Andra Moran

Recently I came across this brief prayer by Scott Erickson as a suggestion to use daily, and it’s come in handy, especially in this busy time of year. Pause and pray it with me:


“Dear Giver of my life…

Please use me.

Please use my Light.

Please use my life.”


I love the simplicity of this prayer, and how quickly it re-centers my spirit in the hustle and bustle of my days. Each line is rich with meaning for me.


“Dear Giver of my life…” — The reminder that my life is a gift from God.


“Please use me…” An earnest request to be useful to the furthering of God’s realm.


“Please use my Light.” — An acknowledgment that the Light in my life is shining, and is brightest when I’m offering it to God for God’s purposes.


“Please use my life.” — Another reminder to give myself back to the Giver of All Good Things, again and again and again. 


PS: If the name “Scott Erickson” sounds familiar to you, it may be for this reason: During Holy Week this year, The Bridge hosted an art walk featuring the work Portland-based painter Scott Erickson along with scripture passages and text descriptions of each image. You can see more of his art on Instagram at @scottthepainter

This Sunday, May 19

“Navigating Change & Uncertainty"

Clay Stauffer

“Anxious For Nothing” series

Ecclesiastes 3:1-12 & Philippians 3:12-16

Our schedule this Sunday is:

  • 8:30 AM – Continental breakfast in the gym
  • 9:30 AM – Traditional service in the sanctuary with livestream
  • 9:40 AM – The Bridge service in the chapel with livestream
  • 11:00 AM – Traditional service in the sanctuary with live stream
  • 4:00 PM – Youth Group Year-End Blowout at Campbell West

Grace Notes at The Bridge on Sunday, May 12

"A Service of Contemplation" June 2

Woodmont's Chancel Choir will share a service of contemplation on Sunday, June 2, at 6:00 P.M. in the sanctuary. It will consist of music by the choir, scriptures, and thoughts and readings by Justin Gung. This will be an hour of peace and reflection as we begin the summer months.

Summer Gospel Sing-Along & Potluck Supper begins June 5


One of our favorite summer traditions is back! On Wednesdays in June & July, we will have a gospel sing-along at 5:15 PM in Room 105, followed by a potluck supper in Drowota Hall at 6:00 PM. Bring food suitable for potluck sharing!

Due to enhanced preschool security, the west entrance won't be open until after 5:00 PM. If arriving earlier, use the entrance with the small white bridge facing Hillsboro Pike or the side door to Drowota Hall near the kitchen

Three Really Good Clarifying Questions

by Jay Hutchens

I go through seasons where I am drawn back to what I call my basic "blocking and tackling skills." In high school varsity football parlance, this is what you do when you need to reconnect with the fundamentals again. As in, quit trying to run a triple reverse flea-flicker and get back instead to "blocking and tackling."


I do this best with questions that bring me back to why I love Jesus and how my encounter with Christ - over a lifetime - has changed me.


The first is, "What am I about?" This is the VALUES question. The reason I love it is that it looks beyond the daily hubbub of getting things done and focuses more deeply on the person I want to be. And while the question seems deep and meditative, the answer often comes quickly. I love people. I love to see people thrive. I want people to laugh and know joy. I love it when people learn and grow and work together toward something that matters and has a lasting impact.


When you ask "What am I about" you are usually able to get straight to the things that spark your heart and fill you with a sense of satisfaction and purpose.


The second is "What am I going to do about it?" This is the ACTION question. If you could take from the things that give you joy ONE thing that you could act upon, what would it be?

I was thinking about this as I had my annual review with Clay this past week. All of us would like for some aspect of our work to arise out of a joy we have. As I think about this coming year (in ministry we think in August to May program years!), I would love to see more people connected powerfully in groups where they encourage one another, build each other up, and call out God's best in each other. In May and June, I'm finishing up a website I've been working on that resources small group leaders with all the things they need to gather people and then create communities of spiritual conversation.


What's the thing that gives you joy that you can pivot and turn into a blessing for others?


The last clarifying question is "With whom will I connect?" This is the COMMUNITY question. This is important because it makes you think of the circle of folks who are on your radar with whom you would like to experience deeper community. This question challenges us to be specific. WHO are the people I'd like to show love, to serve, to lift up, to accompany, and share life with?


Sometimes, God even surprises you with people you might never have thought about. I have stumbled into some wonderful pockets of nurturing friendships through the pickleball community, in my Sunday School class, in our Dinner for 8 groups, with fellow Woodmont staff, and in other places where I've been able to get to know some amazing folks who also see themselves on a journey to be used by God for love and learning. Some are older than me. Some are younger. Some are more conservative than I am. Some are more liberal. ALL of them possess a desire to discover how they can make the world a better - more Christ-like - place.


Summer is a wonderful time to slow down and reflect. It's a great opportunity to rediscover and re-engage what you're about, what you're going to do about it, and whom you'd like to bless as the uniquely fashioned person God has made you to be!

VBS volunteers needed

VBS registration is open and will remain open until the end of May. Please note that the rising 1st-grade group is already closed and on a waitlist. If your student is in that age group, please email to be placed on the waitlist. For all other age groups, click here to register your children.

Register for VBS

We need VBS volunteers! VBS is June 25-28 from 9:00 AM to noon. All volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:30 AM each morning. We have a mandatory volunteer training day on Monday, June 24, at 10:00 AM. Please click here to register as a volunteer if you did not on your student's registration form.

Volunteer for VBS

Memorial Day fundraiser

Woodmont’s grilling ministry is hosting its second annual Memorial Day fundraiser and offering pulled pork shoulder in 2 lb. bags for $20 each and racks of smoked ribs for $20 each. Pre-orders will be taken until Wednesday, May 22, until the group's limit is reached (50 bags of pulled pork, 30 racks of ribs) on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pickup is Friday, May 24, at Woodmont.

At pickup time, you can pay via cash or check made payable to Woodmont Christian Church with “Burnt Offerings” in the memo line. Payment can also be made on Realm by selecting "Miscellaneous Payment" in the memo line and typing "Burnt Offerings Fundraiser." To order, click the button below.

Proceeds from this event will go towards funding future mission and outreach projects. Questions? Contact

Click here to order

G.E.M.S. May 28

Danny Herron, President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity for Greater Nashville, will be speaking at our next G.E.M.S. luncheon on Tuesday, May 28, at 11:30 AM in Room 200.

Since 1985 over 1,000 homes have been built including surrounding counties. Under Danny’s leadership, Habitat has won 14 consecutive awards in Sustained Excellence in Affordable Housing.

Rev. Kevin Roberts, Director of Faith Relations, will accompany Danny. Working with a broad base of congregational partners like Woodmont, Kevin attended Vanderbilt University Divinity School and Truit Seminary at Baylor University, graduating with high honors.

Vance McGuigan and Christie Harrison, the leaders of our Habitat builds for the last three years, will also share the history of this Woodmont outreach.

Book Club May 21

You're invited to read The Women by Kristin Hannah and join the Woodmont Book Club on Tuesday, May 21, at 10:30 AM in Room 100 for discussion and coffee. Questions? Contact Betty Williams at

Church calendar

Sunday, May 19

8:30 AM Continental Breakfast, Drowota Hall

9:30 AM 21st Century Class, Boardroom

9:30 AM Disciples Class, Room 105

10:45 AM Pathways Class, Boardroom

10:45 AM Reflections Class, Room 200

10:45 AM Connection Class, Room 100

11:00 AM Points of View Class, Room 105

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

4:00 PM Youth Group Year-End Blowout, Campbell West

Monday, May 20

11:00 AM Visitation Group, Bay Room

3:00 PM "Geezers," Boardroom

6:00 PM Ministry Strengths Group, Campbell West

Tuesday, May 21

10:30 AM Book Club, Room 100

6:30 PM Alateen (ages 12-19), South Hall

6:30 PM Parents Al-Anon Group, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall 


Wednesday, May 22

6:00 AM Roy Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Room 105

7:00 AM Clay Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Boardroom

8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study, Room 105

6:00 PM DivorceCare, Bay Room

6:15 PM Disciples Women's Bible Study, Room 200

6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary


Thursday, May 23

10:00 AM Sit & Stitch, Gathering Hall

1:00 PM Mahjong Group, Gathering Hall

5:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal, Choir Room

6:30 PM Andra Moran Virtual Vespers, Zoom

6:30 PM Nar-Anon, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall 


Friday, May 24

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall


Saturday, May 25

10:00 AM Al-Anon, Drowota Hall

Prayers for our church family


  • Billy Lou Wright on the death of her mother, Mary Lou Smith. Services on Wednesday, May 15.


  • Sandra Carpenter - shoulder surgery May 14
  • Rosemary Weldon - ankle replacement May 14


  • Steve Harrison
  • Gloria Jackson
  • Dick Kendrick - recovering from knee replacement
  • Emily Bond Leaman
  • Cass Meeks
  • Michael Murphy
  • Ken Palm
  • Angela Powers
  • Walker Sharpton, infant son of Katie & Scott Sharpton
  • Pat Stanley
  • Fran Stewart - recovering from knee replacement
  • Mike Stewart
  • Barrett Sutton
  • Walter White
  • Frances Wood


  • Jeanie & Randy Clough's brother-in-law, Leonard Haraughty - with hospice
  • Stephanie Bowman's father, Eugene Johnson Wall
  • Mary Williams Katri, daughter of Cathy Williams and sister of Richmond Williams - breast cancer
  • Lee Moss


April 21: $68,722

April 28: $45,797

May 5: $143,979

May 12: $47,329

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Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Pike | Nashville, TN | 37215 | 

Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love, and serving others.