The 2024 Fall Crab Science Symposium is Here!

ABSC and BSFRF would like to welcome all industry folks and crab enthusiasts who are interested and available to participate with us in-person at the 2024 Crab Science Symposium this year. This will be held at Leif Erikson Hall in Ballard, as it has been in the past, next Friday September 13. Doors open at 8:30. Coffee will be provided, along with a light lunch at noon. We are encouraging folks to come join in person, but there will also be a ZOOM link shared for those who can’t attend in Seattle. We’ll share out PDFs of the presentations. We have several crab scientists lined up for shorter presentations and some time for Q/A followed by a round table. We hope to see you at the Symposium! Click HERE for the downloadable agenda or see more information below.

8:30 Coffee, arrivals, setup, Zoom connect

8:45 Ms. Jamie Goen / Mr. Scott Goodman (15m)

Intros for industry efforts to get through low stock periods, research that is continuing and being planned, and what we can do further to help 

9:00 Dr. Mike Litzow (NMFS/Kodiak) (30m + 15m for Qs)

2024 NMFS summer survey results with a focus on the 3 primary stocks and some additional research updates (tags, other collaborations, etc.)

9:45 Ms. Erin Fedewa / Mr. Sean Hardison (NMFS/Kodiak) (30m + 15m for Qs)

UFM Research – Ongoing spatial analyses of Fishing Effects Model and crab densities for Bering Sea shelf crab stocks

10:30 Dr. Jared Weems (ADF&G/Kodiak) (30m + 15m for Qs)

BBRKC Early Life History Research – Overview of CAMSLED results from Spring 2024, and placement/collection of larval sampling pots from Summer 2024 

11:15 Mr. Mark Stichert / Dr. Ben Daly (ADF&G/Kodiak) (30m + 15m for Qs)

Stock exploitation with Bering Sea opilio focus – drawing from Spring 2024 cooperative workshop, and additional stock management outlook details for upcoming seasons 

12:00 LIGHT LUNCH – Pizza/Salad/Drinks (15m to grab some food and grab a seat)

12:15 – ROUND TABLE – Science and stakeholder open discussion, feedback, and brainstorming to help prioritize research and management (60m+ as needed plan to finish by 1:30-2:00), including some brief topical presentations (TBD) 206.783.0188

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