Discount Registration Through April 30th!

Friday, June 21, 2024

8:00 a.m. – 4:30  p.m.

University of Maine at Farmington

Olsen Student Center

Click Here To Register

Thank you to the more than 150 lake enthusiasts who have registered so far for this year's lakes conference. It is going to be exceptional to have so many of you there together to learn about lake issues and network with lake volunteers, lake association members, and lake advocates.

If you haven't yet registered, please note the discount (early bird) rates are in effect until the end of this month.

LakeSmart volunteers, certified Water Quality volunteers, and certified Invasive Plant Patrollers receive an additional discount that will remain in place through June 7th (when online registration closes).

Click the orange button above or visit the conference webpage HERE to register or to read more, including a preliminary schedule of events.

The conference is cohosted by Lake Stewards of Maine and Maine Lakes.

Conference highlights include:

Breakfast Mixer: Start the day by meeting your fellow volunteers, association members, and lake activists, facilitated by staff from different lake programs.

Keynote Speakers: Adam Daigneault, Associate Professor of Forest Policy and Economics at the University of Maine at Orono, and Melissa Genoter, soon-to-be UMO graduate, will present the results of a three-year study evaluating the role of lakes in our state’s economy. 

Plenary Speaker: Matt Scott, retired fisheries biologist and long-time clean water advocate, will speak about the recent history of our lakes and the ways we can “love them to death”.

Volunteer Panel: Hear from lake volunteers who will describe their primary duties, training requirements, time commitments, challenges they face, and the rewards from their volunteer efforts. Ask questions and find out more about these programs, how they work, and how to get involved.

Afternoon Speakers (times and schedule TBD):

  • Jeremy Deeds, Department of Environmental Protection, will discuss the new “Lake Scorecard” project.
  • John Daigle, University of Maine, will discuss the Emerald Ash Borer Collaborative and the implications for lakeshores around the state.
  • Julie Davenport, District Forester, Franklin County, will discuss the management of trees in the shoreland zone, especially after storms and blowdown events.
  • Gary Fish, State Horticulturalist, will discuss ways to strengthen Maine’s resilience to invasive species
  • Lloyd Irland, The Irland Group, will discuss the ways in which municipalities can overcome barriers to water quality protection.
  • Bill Monagle, Cobbossee Watershed District, will discuss the long history of CWD and their unique relationships with towns and organizations in the region.
  • Christopher Packard, Maine author of Mythical Creatures of Maine, will discuss folklore, the natural sciences, outdoor education and how they weave together.

More to be scheduled! Check the Conference Website for on-going updates and conference news!

Lake Conference T-shirts: Click HERE to order a conference t-shirt with the beautiful 2024 conference logo. All proceeds go toward covering conference costa.

Silent Auction: Bid on native plants, books, art and more! Proceeds go directly to cover conference expenses.

Register today!

Early bird registration available until April 30th.

LakeSmart, Water Quality, and Invasive Plant Patrol volunteers receive a discounted registration rate.

We hope to see you there!

Click Here to Register

Thank you to our Champion Sponsor Hammond Lumber for once again supporting the conference, helping us keep costs down for attendees and assuring a quality experience for all who attend.