
2024 Cardlock Fuel Network Conference of CFN & Pacific Pride Marketers

Reimagining Your Business with A.I.

October 17th & 18th ● The Scottsdale Resort & Spa ● Scottsdale, AZ

The Cardlock Fuel Network Conference of CFN & Pacific Pride Marketers Committee is pleased to announce this year's event. This important event is open to all CFN and Pacific Pride Marketers. Come join us in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona starting October 17th!

Scottsdale, Arizona, is an artistic hub featuring over 100 art galleries, outdoor activities like hiking and golf, and a vibrant Old Town district that blends Native American and Latino culture.

The conference begins on Thursday morning with a variety of speakers and events. Lunch is included as part of your registration.

  • Engage your maintenance technicians and other staff with site controller training sessions led by expert technicians.
  • Ensure that your fueling station is secure by identifying vulnerabilities with security professionals.
  • Explore the latest updates regarding 8- digit card numbers, new 4-digit product codes, and updated system features as presented by back-office software companies.
  • Experience insight from Peggy Noe Stevens as you learn how to make your brand stand out.
  • Then cap the day off with an evening of networking, entertainment, and dinner hosted by CFN/Pacific Pride!

The general meeting starts in earnest on Friday morning. Along with breakfast and lunch, the tentative agenda includes the following highlights:

  • Keynote speaker Brian Carter, #1 bestselling author, internationally respected speaker, and expert on marketing, technology, social media, and sales.
  • State of the Industry
  • State of the Networks
  • CFNPA Updates
  • Participant Roundtable Sharing Best Practices!

Take Advantage of the conference room rates! Arrive early to golf, shop, eat and explore!

Conference Registration Link:


We have reserved a block of rooms at the Scottsdale Resort & Spa at a rate of $305.00 per night between October 14th through October 19th.

Scottsdale Resort & Spa:


2024 Cardlock Fuel Network Conference of CFN & Pacific Pride Marketers

Reimagining Your Business with A.I.

October 17th ● The Scottsdale Resort & Spa ●

Educational Sessions - October 17th - Day 1


9:00am – 11:00am

Site Controllers: User Training for Your maintenance Technicians and Staff

  • Comdata
  • OPW
  • The Site Controller

11:00am – 12:30pm

Unchained Leadership & Consulting

Identify vulnerabilities at your cardlock site and learn to protect your business from theft.


12:30pm – 1:30pm


1:30pm – 2:45pm

Back Office Software – 8-digit card numbers, 3-digit product codes and new system features

  • DM2/PDI
  • Trinium
  • iRely

2:45pm – 3:30pm

Equipment Vendors

3:30pm – 5:00pm

Bourbon, Branding, and You

Peggy Noe Stevens

*Bourbon Tasting Included!

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Social Event hosted by CFN/Pacific Pride at the Scottsdale Resort & Spa

Cocktail social, dinner, and entertainment

2024 Cardlock Fuel Network Conference of CFN & Pacific Pride Marketers

Reimagining Your Business with A.I.

October 18th ● The Scottsdale Resort & Spa ●

General Sessions - October 18th - Day 2

7:30am – 8:45am



8:50am – 9:00am

Introductions & Opening Remarks

Cardlock Fuel Network Annual Conference of CFN & Pacific Pride Marketers Committee

9:00am – 9:30am

CFNPA Update

Tom Coleman - CFNPA President

9:30am – 10:30am

CFN/Pacific Pride

Eric Lind, Al Norris – CFN / Pacific Pride

10:30am – 10:45am


Vendor Sponsors


10:45am – 11:30am

State of the Industry

Dolores Santos

11:30am – 12:15pm

Fuel Card Fraud Trends

Jeff Headley, Captain - Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center

12:15pm – 1:30pm



1:30pm – 4:00pm

Keynote Speaker: Brian Carter

The Best of Both Worlds, How to Get the Most Out of A.I.


4:00pm – 4:30pm

Break and Snacks


4:30pm – 5:00pm

Industry Best Practices; Round Table Session  

1503 NE 136th Street, Vancouver, WA 98685