Enough Is Enough's (EIE) galvanizing campaigns and initiatives, public education and advocacy efforts to protect children and families on the internet are all designed to advance our mission to "Make the Internet Safer for Children and Families."

In 1995, EIE birthed the internet safety movement and developed and implemented a three-pronged prevention strategy of the public (educating, equipping, and empowering parents/public), the technology industry (advocating for corporate responsibility/accountability) and legal community (advocating for sound public policy and enforcement of laws) sharing the responsibility to protect children online. This pioneering and successful strategy has been adopted by industry and governments worldwide.

Here are just some of EIE's highlights since January 2023!
Public Awareness & Education
EIE In the News

May 9, 2023
CBN News - Donna discusses how federal and state authorities are taking on Big Tech for neglecting child online safety (13:36 mark)

March 31, 2023
CBN Faith Nation: Donna shares how social media platforms contribute to the mental health crisis of children (8:55 mark)
February 24, 2023
Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk (national radio show): Donna interviewed by guest host Dr. Tim Clinton: “Let’s Stop the Threat of Porn to our Children"

February 3, 2023
Counter Culture Mom Show: Donna explains how sexual predators and traffickers exploit kids on the internet, social media and online games.

January 3, 2023
National Review: "Louisiana Protects Minors from Porn" - Donna's podcast focused on harms of pornography is shared
EIE Educating and Empowering the Public
January 2023 - EIE released the webinar "A Mother's Story: Her Daughter's Human Trafficking Nightmare" and began initial filming for the Internet Safety 101 Academy 

April 2023- EIE released never before seen "Confessions of an Internet Predator" detailing "John Doe's" story of early abuse and pornography addiction, which he said led to a cycle of abuse and grooming kids into online and offline sexual encounters

June 2023 - EIE recorded an educational webinar on the science of addiction and its intersection with online pornography

June 15, 2023
June 2023 - Donna interviewed Dr. Jill Manning, a licensed Family and Marriage therapist and former EIE Board member for the webinar, "Protecting Children in the Ever-Evolving Digital World" to discuss health impacts of social media, the harms of internet pornography on the adolescent brain, gaming addiction and disorders (reality vs. fantasy) and how children are vulnerable to internet predators
Speaking Events

February and May 2023: Donna spoke to conservative leaders on preventing the exploitation of children.

March 28, 2023: Donna and EIE Policy Director Bill Woolf shared needed efforts to protect children from internet exploitation and human trafficking during the Intercessors for America's Policy and Prayer event held in Washington, D.C.

March 28, 2023: Donna shared the risks of internet dangers on children and the role of the church in prevention, education, healing and recovery via EIE’s Recovering Hearts initiative at the Faith Wins pastoral conference in Washington, D.C.
Educational Awareness Campaigns
(featured in EIE Communications and Social Media)
January - Human Trafficking Prevention Month
February - Random Posts of Kindness
March - "March Madness" with focus on increase in
online risks
April - Sexual Assault Awareness and Sexual Abuse Prevention Month
May - Mental Health Awareness Month
June - Internet Safety Month
Advancing Public Policy and the Rule of Law
EIE's Kathy Hatem and Bill Woolf participated in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing "Protecting Our Children Online" in Washington, D.C. (March 2023)
Donna testified before the North Dakota House and Senate in two separate hearings calling for greater accountability and more aggressive laws to protect children online (March 2023)
EIE met with elected officials or their staff and participated in advocacy opportunities for key policy and child protective measures on the internet:

  • Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) Chair of the Values Action Team (VAT) during the VAT May Coalition Meeting, to urge the Judiciary Committee to call on DOJ to account for its failure to prosecute obscenity laws (hard-core graphic pornography is not protected under the first amendment; these federal laws have not been enforced since President George H.W. Bush administration under AG Ashcroft) and to extend existing report language into appropriations to fund dedicated prosecutors within DOJ to prosecute obscenity laws
  • Senator Lindsey Graham to advance the protection of children in the digital world in SC and nationally, to hold DOJ accountable to enforce all the laws to protect kids online; to advance EARN It
  • Senator Tim Kaine to advance the protection of children in the digital world in Virginia 
  • Senator Ed Markey's (D-MA) office to discuss reauthorization of NTIA to include an internet safety grant program, to advance Safe WiFi within federally-funded buildings, to advance Markey’s bill, COPPA 2.0 and other policies to help ensure the safety and privacy of kids online. 
  • Senator John Kennedy’s office to discuss issues of ensuring Safe WiFi within federally-funded buildings as well as advancing policies to protect children in the digital world
  • Senator Chuck Grassley's (R-IA) office to advance Safe WiFi for the federal government and hold DOJ accountable for enforcing existing laws
  • EIE joined other industry leaders including NCOSE and Shared Hope to advocate for the passage of a Virginia bill implementing a pilot Safe Harbor Law
  • EIE advocated for the reintroduction of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), the Earn It Act (EARN IT Act), and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act "(COPPA 2.0")
  • Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to encourage DOJ to prioritize investigations and prosecutions pertaining to existing federal obscenity, child sexual abuse material (CSAM), sex trafficking and child exploitation laws
  • Members of the House Judiciary Committee including Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) to encourage congressional oversight hearings.
  • Participated in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing "Protecting Our Children Online" in Washington, D.C., to support legislative action holding Big Tech accountable for harms faced by youth consumers of social media

Testimonies, Hearings and Congressional Support

  • Testified before the North Dakota State Legislature’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing "Solving a Public Health Crisis: The Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children" which focused on protecting children from obscene pornography found online and in school library books
  • Supported multiple coalition efforts in coordination with like-minded NGO's to advocate for key legislation protecting children online (KOSA, EARN It Act, COPPA 2.0, Stop CSAM, Report Act, Project Safe Childhood Reauthorization), the Federal Trade Commission's proposed changes to its privacy order with Meta
  • EIE drafted and submitted Questions for the Record (QFRs) as well as prepared a draft letter for Congressional consideration inquiring as to why DOJ is not prioritizing obscenity prosecutions
  • EIE drafted and submitted a letter for Congressional consideration regarding current policy and practice to safeguard federally-funded public WiFi from accessing obscene and illicit content
The February 14 Senate Judiciary Hearing addressed the mental health impact of social media on adolescents, sex trafficking and child data usage.
Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) (pictured here)Chair of the Values Action Team (VAT) during the VAT May Coalition Meeting
Advocating for Greater Corporate Responsibility
The National Safe WiFi Initiative
  • VICTORY! Marriott International announced in February a global policy, in collaboration with the UK-based Internet Watch Foundation, to restrict guest network access to websites with child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) in its hotels

  • Over the past several years, EIE met with and encouraged Marriott executives to adopt SAFE WIFI policies, which includes filtering CSAM and pornography. This represents a HARVEST OF VICTORY from the seeds planted of EIE meeting with and encouraging Marriott execs to adopt Safe WifFi policies

  • EIE continued to advance Safe Wifi in the hospitality industry with the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) to encourage hotels to filter pornography and child sexual abuse material from publicly provided Wifi

  • Building upon past successes with McDonald's and Starbucks, EIE continues to call on industry leaders to spearhead the Safe WiFi initiative within their sectors
Faith-Based Initiatives
Donna shares "Recovering Hearts" at the Faith Wins pastoral conference in Washington, D.C.
  • EIE has been engaging both NGO's and churches/faith communities to implement "Recovering Hearts," a blueprint to educate, equip and empower churches and faith-based communities to address sexual brokenness and prevent sexual exploitation.

  • The faith community plays a critical role in efforts to prevent the online sexual exploitation of children and help address recovery needs of those who have been exploited.
While EIE has hit the ground running in 2023, there is still much work to be done on behalf of the millions of children who are impacted by potential internet-related risks.
The media, the technology industry and Congress seek our council and assistance on internet safety issues confronting our nation. Parents, caregivers and citizens from all walks of life contact us to thank us again and again for "being there" for them in their time of need.

It is only due to your partnership and generosity that we can continue to "be there" with a listening ear and a helping hand. Please, consider helping to FUND THE FIGHT and join us in our mission to protect children on the internet!

Thank you from all of us at Enough Is Enough!
We Can't Keep Children & Families
Safe Online Without You!
Enough Is Enough® is a national non-partisan, non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts are focused on combating Internet p*rnography, child sexual abuse material, sexual predation, sex trafficking and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America, and the legal community.