AMOA-National Dart Association’s (NDA) 2023 Junior Tournament, held June 9-11, 2023 at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells was extremely successful featuring 247 junior players from ten states turning out for the three-day event.

   Since 2014, NDA has been conducting an annual soft-tip darting event for players 20 or younger, and we are pleased with the growth of youth leagues over the years.

A total of 25 NDA operator (charterholder) members were represented this year and the total number of certificates came to 738.

 Featuring singles, doubles and Triples events, kids were awarded prizes—trophies and gift cards.   And all players received t-shirts to commemorate their participation in this year’s event.

   Based on the excitement from our youth players, next year’s Junior Dart Tournament, set for May 31 - June 2, 2024 at the Waterloo Convention Center, Waterloo, Iowa promises to be another great event!

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