Dear Pastor,

The Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association believes in the importance of honoring those God has called to share the Gospel and shepherd fellow believers. We also find great purpose in serving alongside the local church.

October is right around the corner, and for “Pastor Appreciation Month,” we want to honor you with a time of fellowship and encouragement with a Pastor Appreciation Breakfast.

This year's breakfast will be on Thursday, October 12th and held at the University of Mobile's Ram Hall, with guest speaker Andrew Palau from the Luis Palau Association.

See the details attached in the flyer above, and feel free to share this invitation with other pastors you know in the Mobile area. 

Please know that we will be sending multiple emails over the next few weeks. Once registered, you will receive a registration confirmation email. 

That guarantees your spot and there is no need to register again at any other time once more emails arrive.

We look forward to the opportunity to love, encourage, and serve you soon!