January 2023

2022 Results!

In 2022, the doors were open again after Covid-19 lockdowns and Phakama (the South African nonprofit we fully fund, led by Thandeka Mavundla) took full advantage of it! Check out the growth chart above. Each little person icon now represents 2,000 people, to make 2022 fit on the page. In spite of problems such as the continued deterioration of the electrical grid, your generous contributions allowed these accomplishments: 


  • 439,811 people participated in R4L groups - mostly in school assemblies but also in school classrooms, community groups, churches, rehabs, clinics, etc. This is up from 237,948 in 2021.
  • 30,308 inmates attended R4L groups, up from 2,064 in 2021 (due to closed facilities).
  • 634 Peer Educators taught the Reach4Life program, up from 492 in 2021.
  • 70,647 R4L Bibles were distributed.
  • 8 radio stations broadcast R4L, with a listening audience of 1,088,600, up from 5 radio stations with a listening audience of 687,675 in 2021.
  • 734 pastors were trained in South Africa and Swaziland, up from 638 in 2021.
  • The Soweto office was expanded to create a room for rehab support groups.
  • A new church building in Tugela Ferry has been fully funded and will be built in 2023. (This is the second church that has been built; the Harrismith church was built in 2021.)
  • R4L began in five new countries – Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria. A total of 10,136 people participated in these new countries.

We need your help to fund this explosive growth - for Bibles and for subsidies for Peer Educators to get to and from the locations where they teach. Please help us spread the word to people, churches, or others who might be interested in this ministry. Amazon Smile is now limited to a few Amazon-sponsored charities, so that no longer benefits us. But link to us in the Fred Meyer (Kroger) rewards programs, and check to see if your employer will match donations. Consider a Facebook fundraiser for your birthday! Inflation is high in Africa. Please consider increasing your support. Donate anytime at preventiontime.org/donate. Sign up for our newsletters on our home page at preventiontime.org or view them on the “Newsletters” tab there.


You have proved that many people giving a little can have a huge impact! We thank God for what He has done in 2022, and we appreciate your continued prayers and support as we follow Him into 2023.

Jimmy Mac's Breakfast March 4!

Yay! For the first time in a few years, we are able to again have a breakfast where supporters can meet with other Prevention Time friends! This is always a fun event so please plan to join us for a yummy breakfast of pancakes, sausage/bacon, eggs, and coffee/orange juice. Half of the price of the $10 breakfast is donated back to Prevention Time for the Reach4Life program. This will take place at the Jimmy Mac's near Costco, at 34902 Pacific Highway S. Federal Way. Come anytime between 8 and 9:45 a.m.

January Begins the New School Year - 2023

The school year begins in January in Africa. The program has been accepted into schools and the Peer Educators have been given schedules for when they can teach. Thandy writes: "We see the Reach4Life program as a tool to help us to make disciples, as commanded in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20.  Schools, prisons, rehabs, clinic groups, church youth groups, sports clubs and community groups have resumed. We see the Lord opening more doors to take the program to unreached communities." We had some questions regarding the spelling of some of the school names last year, so now we are getting pictures of the school signs, like those above.

Chief Writes Letters of Endorsement

Nkosi (Chief) Kunene (pictured on right, with his wife) has been a good friend of the program for many years. He is very influential and his endorsement to other traditionally-led communities is significant. He says, "This book is loaded with character-building teachings. As a born-again Christian myself, it gives me joy that there’s a program that evangelizes and disciples the youth of Africa. I have been writing letters to other leaders in different areas, letting them know that they should allow the Peer Educators to work in their schools. I share about the impact the program has had in my community. More youth are now employed. As they serve in the R4L ministry, their confidence grows and their hunger to succeed grows. Today in my village I have professional teachers and government officials who are the products of this great Ministry. Prevention Time has supported these hundreds of Peer Educators over the years and we pray that many will partner with this wonderful, life changing and truth-based program.” (Thank you, Nkosi Kunene!)

New Church Building to Begin Construction in February

Thandy and Pastor Emmanuel, seen above, report: "BMI (steel company, right) and Vuwa (the brick laying company, left) above have notified us that they are planning to start construction on the church on February 8. We praise the Lord and cannot thank enough those that made this church project possible!"

Tugela Ferry Church is Excited About New Church Building!

The church was given the good news that the church structure is being erected mid-February. Thandy says, "Looking behind the congregation you’ll see a pile of rocks. The church and community members have worked very hard removing the rocks, to clear space for the church building. These people have humbled us. They gather for services outside in the heat, cold, rain, and sun. Ululations (loud, high-pitched vocal sounds, in this case as a deep expression of joy and celebration) pierced through the valleys as they celebrated what is about to be the very first church in this village."

Rehab/Prison and Community Support Causes Buzz

The R4L team has been able to start follow-up support groups for people who were in R4L groups in rehabs and prisons, and have now been released. This is due to gaining some additional space in the Soweto office recently. This has caused a big stir in the community! People are coming into the office not just to sign up for the groups, but also to offer help in some areas. This space has now also become a "mini R4L skills center.” Local colleges and community members who are experts in certain fields are offering free workshops in work skills (plumbing, welding, sewing, etc.) and even preparing CVs (resumes). The response was much greater than expected, and the team had to quickly assign two team facilitators to manage these extra groups. Thandy and her husband, Pastor Emmanuel, are seen above presenting to a local college that has agreed to offer free programs and certificates.

This initiative has drawn the attention of some government institutions who have an interest in what is being offered. This might open the door for possible fundraising because it fits well with what they are funding. Thandy has been invited to submit funding proposals to a few organizations and institutions. Because of the huge growth, the need for local funds to start coming in is of huge importance. Please pray for this.

Mozambique Coordinator Appreciates Office Support

The Mozambique Bibles, T-shirts and caps made it to Gaza after four taxis and two buses to the village! Coordinator Merson says, “Our team is spread out to different rural villages. It is hard to get to some of these places we work in. I would like to thank God for our SA office, they always go at length to take care of us with subsidies, training materials and books. The work is growing and this year we are planning to launch in new areas. We appreciate the support.”

Reach4Life Breaks the Silence and Heals the Brokenness

Mr. Magubane, Headmaster, Mzimela High School shares, “Since I accepted the R4L program in my school I have seen tangible results. The behaviour of our learners has changed for the best. The program deals with very deep issues that our kids struggle with without any of us knowing. Reach4Life breaks the silence and then it heals the brokenness in our kids' lives. I have personally requested the Peer Educators to please continue with the program this year.”

January Trainings

As the new year starts, many trainings take place. Representing this month's trainings are the group from Dannhauser (above ) and some wonderful ladies (below) who are with a community organization that takes care of orphans, including supplying them with food and clothes. For 8 years, they have taken kids through the R4L program.

"My Peers Call Me Pastor"

Busi Dladla shares, "We travelled all the way from Durban to attend this training. This year I am doing grade 11. I started as a Fox (students teaching students) in grade 9. My peers call me “Pastor”, maybe they think they are discouraging me but I am not. I love the word and sharing the gospel is my passion. I have grown spiritually and emotionally. As I teach others I too am growing.”

Armed and Ready!

Siboniso Ndimande reports, “We are team 2023, we have been trained how to handle groups and different charactors in class, we know how to use objects as tools to teach, I have learned how to prepare a lesson and write my weekly reports. We got manuals, T-shirts and caps. We are armed with the word and the love of Christ! We appreciate the R4L program for adding value in our lives as village young people.”

Pastor Gives Encouragement

Reach4Life prison ministry coordinator Baba Kunene shared a message of encouragement to the Tugela Ferry church. His pulpit is under a tree to provide him with a little shade as it was very hot during the service!

Outreach Materials

The team has created pamphlets to advertise the life skills courses and groups that are now being offered at the Soweto office.

The current Rand exchange rate is very good at 17.4 Rand per dollar!

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Thanks for your help!

Prevention Time thanks you for your interest in our organization. We are a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Prevention Time has no paid staff, so our administrative costs are minimal. To help support the ministry in sub-Saharan Africa, please click on the donate button below.