Blessing Bags Spring Update!

We continue our nationwide travels this Thursday! Our upcoming route includes an additional 8000+ miles! During the past winter, we stayed in the panhandle of Florida, which I affectionately refer to as “cold Florida.” We originally planned a brief stay of a few weeks, but God had other plans. The few weeks quickly turned into several months, which was much needed following our second trip across the county and travels up and down the east coast. The Lord has blessed us with new friendships, ongoing opportunities to serve, and a new church home!

Damascus Baptist Church in Graceville, Florida welcomed us with open arms from our first visit. We told them our plans were to be in the area for only a couple of weeks! They embraced our entire family and were eager to hear about God’s calling on our family and ministry as itinerant missionaries! Our new church family whole heartily believe in us and supports our ministry’s mission. Several members recently committed to support us through prayer and financially! We are proud to call Damascus Baptist Church our church home and extremely thankful for their love and gracious support!

During the spring and summer, we will be visiting 27 states throughout the country, distributing books and care packages. Most importantly, we will continue fulfilling our calling to provide tangible ways for parents to raise their children to know the Lord and the things he has done (Judges 2:10) and be doers of the word not hearers only (James 1:22-25).

We provide age-appropriate opportunities for families to serve together regardless of their child’s age or physical ability. To encourage and equip families to continue serving together, we provide my book on serving, Growing a Servant’s Heart, to families at these Blessing Bags events.

Moving days… what traveling around the country looks like for our family.

Traveling as a large family is tricky. Since we own a travel trailer and not an RV, Michael and I travel separately. Michael drives a truck and is responsible for safely towing our travel trailer to each destination and hooking it up. I drive our family’s 12-passenger van, including nine kids and two cats. I am also responsible for towing a cargo trailer which I hook up and unhook at each location. The original plan was for us to caravan together. We quickly realized how much easier it is for us to split up and not have the pressure of trying to stay together. Michael typically drives directly to each destination and only stops to fill up with gas. The kids and I typically stop at a halfway point to stretch and explore new surroundings. The downside to traveling separate is we are not there to help each other out. For example, when everything is closed and I have six kids needing to use the restroom or when Michael blows a tire and a brake line. God has blessed us on our journey and we pray for His continued traveling mercies. Please join us in praying for us collectively and individually as we travel the country. Here are some of our travel related prayer request:

-No mechanical issues with Jennifer’s van 

-Jennifer’s rear AC to function properly

-Children’s carsickness

-Plenty of open restrooms (traveling during COVID was hard!) 

-Safety as I explore new surroundings with my children on moving days

-All tires to hold up

-Shield of protection around our vehicles!

-ALL things travel!

What’s next for the Ohaneson’s and BBI?

This spring and summer, we will be finishing the remaining states in the continental US! We will end in California on September 4th. Our current plan is to finish out the year in California before heading to Mexico. Please join us in praying for God to clearly show us what that will look like for our family.

We hope to start hosting family-friendly mission trips to Mexico again, providing families with children opportunities to serve together abroad. We ask you to pray and see if you are one of the families who will be serving with us. We hope to send out more information on upcoming mission trip soon!

Ohaneson Open House!

Join us June 6th in Northern Virginia for food, fellowship, and of course BLESSING BAGS! For more information or to sign up click here!

To make a tax-deductible donation to Blessing Bags International, click here. To donate via mail, make a check payable to "Blessing Bags International" and mail your donation to PO Box 30919, Alexandria, VA 22310.